
Scotland land ownership and access?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Through a combination of videos (danny mac, etc) and tidbits from comments, I formed the idea that Scotland is the promised land when it comes to access to land and trails. I got the idea that as long as you're respectful, you can pretty access any land. See a trail - ride it.

I tried to find references to it, but could only come up with articles that describe the land ownership as the least equitable in the west: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/aug/10/scotland-land-rights

Can someone explain to me how land ownership and land use/access works in Scotland?
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Aug 9, 2009
Whistler, BC
You have the "freedom to roam". It still won't stop land owners and farmers getting angry at you for raking in loam tracks on their land and getting worried about you ruining their hunting or sueing them


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
You have the "freedom to roam". It still won't stop land owners and farmers getting angry at you for raking in loam tracks on their land and getting worried about you ruining their hunting or sueing them
Interesting. Found this:

Does that mean that you can pretty much go on anyone's land? Even privately owned land? Example, if there's a lake and it's privately owned... I can roll up and spend the day there?


Dec 15, 2003
Pemberton, BC
I lived up in the Scottish Highlands for a period and as it was explained to me you can go essentially anywhere, any time by foot or bike provided that you're not being a twat about it. Exclusions are that you can't just wander into peoples houses or yards, you can't go trampling through peoples crops and you can't just wander through the middle of school grounds, airfields, military bases and various other areas that have been given special exemptions from the right of access.


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
I lived down in the South of England for a period and although it was explained to me that it's against the law,you can STILL go essentially anywhere, any time by foot or bike provided that you're not being a twat about it. Exclusions are that you can't just wander into peoples houses or yards, you can't go trampling through peoples crops and you can't just wander through the middle of school grounds, airfields, military bases and various other areas.
It's just a pity that so many English folk happen to be twats..

I'd imagine the same to be true in the USA but unfortunately most of your twats seem to own guns!
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'd imagine the same to be true in the USA but unfortunately most of your twats seem to own guns!
depends on the region.

in the west / southwest a lot of the land isn't privately owned so it's fair game. but at your own risk because it's so remote.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
**** me dead do I hate that country?!! Wasted three weeks of my life there, got to ride in Glentress which was fun on an XC bike and the grip in the wet was nuts. I hated the place so much I just stayed in pubs in strip joints, the local pub referred to me as Aussie boy as I was there so often.

Avoid Scotland, it's ****!


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I'm happy with that, luckily for us all the little blood sucking animals in Australia love Scottish people and the sun burns them in five minutes so they have to stay indoors, suits us fine ;)


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Hahaha, we have no heritage we just steal things and call them our own, it's the Aussie way.

My brother lives over there somewhere, my brother in law and I struck a deal to go halves in airfares for my brother so we didn't have to go back, I can see why people like the place but I don't get a chub over green grass old churches and **** weather so I'll keep my negative ass outta there.

I will say the people were all pretty cool, well, except the guy that said he'd stab me for looking at him, oh and the muppets in Edinburger that have no idea their umbrella takes up more room than they do.


May 22, 2002
Sherwood Forest, UK
Now if theres a right to roam, does that theoretically mean that they cant stop you going to watch the WC without paying? After all you have a right to roam up the mountain..


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
Wysiwyg, tourists are stupid, they'll pay for pretty much anything here.. Enter nevis range by any other route than through the carpark turnstiles and its fair game.. You're really only paying to stand around in a car park, like I said, stupid!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Wysiwyg, tourists are stupid, they'll pay for pretty much anything here.. Enter nevis range by any other route than through the carpark turnstiles and its fair game.. You're really only paying to stand around in a car park, like I said, stupid!
psh ride a horse