
Screw the NHL, We've got the PHL!!!!!!


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
The Pond Hockey Leauge that is!!!

I travelled to Albany on Sunday with Liam and Connor and after a really good chicken stew lunch - my brother Jim, his sons, me and my sons hit a local pond for some Pond Hockey Action. What a blast to be out on the pond playing some shinny with my brother, my nephews and my sons! :dancing:

First shot - Liam in foreground, with Connor behind and my nephews Kyle and Andrew too.

My brother Jim in the Guinness Jersey (I want one!), with his sons Kyle and Andrew

We played for about 2 hours - and then it started getting a little cloudy and dark - this photo shows me in the red, Liam, and my nephews Sean (Blue and silver), Kyle and Andrew.

Group shot - front row - my sons, Connor and Liam, Back row - Andrew, Sean, Met, Kyle and Kyle's friend Ricky

We used to play a ton of pond hockey when we were kids, but it doesn't seem like kids do this as much anymore......I think they should....it definitely promotes creativity with the puck!

It was really cool to have two generations of McGrath's out playing at the same time. :cool:


Nam I am
MMcG said:
Oooh.......them's fightin words! What time are those morning skates where you get in between the pipes? :sneaky: :devil: :)
Tuesday Mornings ( tommorow ) 6:30 -7:30 am Come on Up ! I dare Ya ! I double dog dare you ! Get near My crease and I put you down!

:blah: :blah: :eviltongu

Hey Acadian on that Picture you posted those Spot in the far end of the picture look awfully narrow , are they for curling ?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
splat said:
Tuesday Mornings ( tommorow ) 6:30 -7:30 am Come on Up ! I dare Ya ! I double dog dare you ! Get near My crease and I put you down!

:blah: :blah: :eviltongu

Hey Acadian on that Picture you posted those Spot in the far end of the picture look awfully narrow , are they for curling ?
Probably "ponds" for younger age brackets or something.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
we used to play to much hockey when I was a kid.... It's hard enough to find one friend to go snowboarding with let alone 8-10 people to play hockey with....