
SDMBA Trail Work At Noble Canyon 1/24


Dec 6, 2002
Hell Cajon, CA.
Saturday, January 24, 9:00 A.M.

Join us for trail work at Noble Canyon Trail, we will be cutting back the
brush but leaving the rocks where they are.

Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the lower trail head parking lot in Pine Valley, we will
carpool to the work location.

Bring the usual: water, sturdy shoes, gloves, eye protection and a snack.
All tools and training will be provided. We'll work till 1:00 p.m., raffle
off some swag courtesy of Cal Coast Bicycles (www.calcoastbicycles.com) and then go for a ride.

Please R.S.V.P. to mark@sdmba.com so we have an idea how many tools will be required.

A Forest Adventure Pass is required.

Directions: I-8 East to Pine Valley Exit, go left under the bridge, left on
Old Hwy 80 to Pine Creek Road, turn right in to trail head parking lot.