
SDMBA's Black Mountain trailwork 5/7

BLACK MOUNTAIN PARK TRAILWORK - Saturday, MaY 7, 8:30am – 12noon

Over the past three years, SDMBA volunteers have transformed the
Miner's Ridge Loop Trail at Black Mountain Park from a hiker-only
single-track with significant maintenance issues into a model for a
sustainable multi-use trail. Despite the recent record rains, the
trail has held up exceptionally well and the park staff couldn't be
happier with SDMBA's efforts to date. On Saturday, MaY 7, we'll
continue converting more sections of the Miner's Ridge Loop Trail
from single-use to multi-use. Specifically, we'll be replacing stone
steps with mountain-biker friendly armored switchbacks. Please join
at 8:30am in the north staging area. Upon the conclusion of trail
work (around noon), we'll be awarding swag donated by BLACK MOUNTAIN
BICYCLES by random drawing – all volunteers are eligible to win!
For more information and directions, go to www.SDMBA.com and click on
the Black Mountain news story. Or e-mail Dave Wenk at dave@sdmba.com.