
SDSU Dirt Jumping


Mar 5, 2002
I want to see some mitigation done on impacts to diegan coastal sage srubs and mule fat habitats before any disturbance takes place. I charge $5000 by the way to write a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this digging project. Ahh..it's getting late at work on Friday.


Jan 16, 2003
San Diego
Yeah, what am I talking about? When am I going to find the time to dig? I don't even have time to ride right now let alone dig. Work is killing me right now and the last time I was at Calexico was with you and Blong.

The $5000 check is in the mail.
OK, I won't let this idea be forgotten. This sunday let's try to get some work done while the dirt is still moist.
Like I said, we can meet at my house around noon and go to the canyon I am talking about.

For those familiar with the campus, this spot is between Chappy (dorms by the baseball field) and the apartments of 55th Street.