
Seander Paul, sry, Penn, ina di rogue states


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Just read an atricle in the Huffington Post by Sean Penn about his trips to Venezuela and Kuba in 2005 with his family, and again a few weeks ago, and the meetings he had with Chavez and Castro.

You guys are stressing the need of viewing those countries and presidents with western eyes, so here you go. The article is called mountain of snakes.


An entrance to the atricle:
I have been in the public eye to varying degrees, for most of my 48 years, and had many occasions to sit in the front row of popular and political culture. I can speak in firsthand, to bearing witness to an often untruthful, reckless and demonizing media. Yes, in many cases, the smoke would prove an accurate expectation of fire. But, the fact is, that our most respected, call that mainstream media, in print and on television are, in part, conscious manufacturers of deception.

/...../ But a benefit greater than the insight offered by this front row seat, is finding that having a public persona, inclusive of a perceived open mind to the qualities of countries outside one's own, may grant breathtaking access.
His interviews with the two prezadenns are worth the reading alone, but it's also overall a nice story and a good portrayal of what he sees during his trips.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Ahh man, this is sad... Sean Penn gets lengthy interviews with the head honchos, including one exclusive first, and nobody's read it. :(

This article is really worth the reading.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
His finest work.
Ooh cut the guy some slack, that musta been during his teens and as a young actor trying to find him self. Come to think of it, my recent haircut reminds me of the big burry hair I had in the school photo in 7th grade. This must mean that I was the exception from all those lost teenagers. :clue: :biggrin:

What do I have to bribe you with to read it? You, and that creature $tinkle BTW..

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Interesting read. Wonder who it was that Raul had promised his first interview to? Sean Penn, bloody glory hunter got it instead. That guy.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
I find him pretty humble as he accknowledges his luck partly to his name, partly to not being N8yfied. When I read it, I thought it must have been a Cuban that was going to be the first guy, like an old fox in the national paper Granma, but who knows. Didn't seem like Sean got to know that eather.