


Aug 4, 2004
anyone had their car broken into at the parking lot? Went there for my first time the other day with a friend, someome blew out the keyhole to his truck with what looks like a screwdriver, we walked the parking lot too and saw a ton of broken vehicle glass...

I'm tempted to hide in the bushes and snipe off a vehicle prowler or two


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
Havent been hit there, but have been prowled on Tiger Mountain off I-90. Its an on going problem, sometimes it gets pretty bad. I was just reading in the Cascade Times that 10-15 cars were broken into in the pass area at the end of August. The people that do this work in at least teams of two, sometime more. Often times they are in the lot when you pull in, they probably look like they are doing something like getting ready to go walking. Dont leave any valuable in the car, better yet have a real beater car you can leave unlocked.


May 21, 2003
Man I hope I catch one of these fVckers one of these days, the only steal they'll see is my 45, Fvckin' b!tch's!


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Fast&Smooth said:
i've heard of lots of people gettin broke into there. yea i'd hide in the bushes with a camera and a cell phone for sure.
Well, make sure your not gonna hide in the same spot the person jacking your car is hiding.......


May 21, 2003
Fast&Smooth said:
i've heard of lots of people gettin broke into there. yea i'd hide in the bushes with a camera and a cell phone for sure.
Screw the camera and phone, how about a tazer gun and a baseball bat to follow up, that'd teach em a lesson.


Aug 4, 2004
WARider said:
Screw the camera and phone, how about a tazer gun and a baseball bat to follow up, that'd teach em a lesson.

mmmm m/x26 justice :)

We came to the conclusion that someone definitely had to be keeping a lookout up the paved path while the other person did the damage... no way one person has the balls to do at the risk of being caught by someone coming up quick on a bike. The scary thing is that it was mid day right next to that busy road...guess you do just look like someone getting into your vehicle from the perspective of a passing car.

If I wasnt coming up all the way from Olympia I really would just sit in the woods, catching the ****er would be nothing short of glorious


Jan 31, 2004
Bellingham, WA
Anyone want to organize a weekend where we get together and put out a beating to these people? I am in. Post here we can get together and at least make it known that that is not the place to break into peoples cars. Send me a PM.


Jun 24, 2002
Bothell, WA
WARider said:
Screw the camera and phone, how about a tazer gun and a baseball bat to follow up, that'd teach em a lesson.
cuz then i call the cops with the cell phone and show them a picture of some maniac beating some guy to death.


May 21, 2003
Fast&Smooth said:
cuz then i call the cops with the cell phone and show them a picture of some maniac beating some guy to death.
Maniac? You must of never gotten anything stolen, or never been done wrong by some "Fvck"!? I never said beat the guy to death, just a nice jolt to put him down and a few battered shin bones to keep him from running is all you need to do, that's when I reach into my coat pocket for the cell phone because the b!tch @ss ain't going anywhere now except into the cop car "once" they arrive. Cops(no offense) mostly "follow up" on what happens, not really prevent much. They're too busy collecting their paycheck in frivolous speeding tickets. How many times do you see them out in full force on Sunday morning's when your heading to church or a ride? I mean, who wants to get a ticket on the way to church or an epic ride? They should be parking their @ss in a bush where things have been reported like out at Seatac instead of at the bottom of some huge hill off I5 in a spot where most everyone ends up going 5+ over because of the gravity effect.

I don't despise the men and women serving locally and abroad as I was one of them, I just don't agree with the whole ticketing issue and the judicial system. It's just a money racketeering business plain and simple.


Aug 4, 2004
WARider said:
I mean, who wants to get a ticket on the way to church or an epic ride?
people who can't obey the law, don't want the ticket.. don't speed, sorry to sound like an ass but if you cant afford a ticket on the way to church that's an issue one can handle himself

I'd suggest you take a ride along and see what law enforcement is really about. Seatac isn't the shiniest pearl in the box, I'm sure their officers keep busy contrary to popular (or not so popular) belief. Also, you might think theirs a ticket quota to fill, but there isnt. Police services are funded by city and state taxes, if it bothers you that much maybe you can start an initiative... lose the fines on traffic infractions but raise taxes... they've gotta be funded one way or another

As citizens of a community(ies) we should be able to come up with some kind of workthrough. Camera across the street from the golf shack? Even if it's fake/not recording, or a sign at the entrance saying "premises monitored by video camera", even if there isn't one. Taking turns playing in the parking lot while friends ride, anything to deter these brats. Even something as stupid as signs in your windows saying "we're watching you." Any suggestions?

Also as someone said above, don't leave cd cases laying around your seats or other valuables, bring your ****ty cars, etc


May 21, 2003
thesacrifice said:
people who can't obey the law, don't want the ticket.. don't speed, sorry to sound like an ass but if you cant afford a ticket on the way to church that's an issue one can handle himself

Any suggestions?
LOL...it's not really an issue of affordability but rather an issue of why are they always out on Sunday mornings when everyone is off to something pleasant. I never see them out in the rain, or during mid-week when there's actual road rage going on from all the people trying to get home. No, I only see them on nice sunny Sunday's out there at 7am sharp. "One nation under God"? Tickets to people who don't brake all the way down a hill just to keep it at 60mph on Sunday morning seems more like an act against God and or if your an atheist, just plain and simply a money making issue. You talk about solutions or suggestions, here's one for you. Why don't the cops patrol the shady neighborhoods where drugs and sex sell? Why aren't they setting up a sting operation in places like Tiger Mtn., Victor falls, or in this case SeaTac to bust the common thief who is causing havic? Why aren't they in the shopping malls busting the thiefs who stuff their sacks full of goods only to return them to get cash which in return hikes up my jean and shirt costs? Why are they only out during sunny Sunday mornings at the bottom of hills with their speed traps? Because it all comes down to money! Why not book a broke @ss thief? Because it costs money to jail, house, feed, watch, and judge. Why not, because they can be out there on nice sunny days collecting high ticket fee's that don't require money to be spent to do so, at least not the kind of money it takes to book some common criminal who just drags down the system and our pocket books. The thing is, suggestions are just that, it doesn't really matter what I say, or who I vote for, etc etc., things will continue to be the same as they have been since day one. I did serve my country, and when I brought up ideas to create a better way of doing things, they normally just got shot down by some dumb fvck who had more "time" in than me and because he was too ignorant to accept change, things continued the way they had been for decades. That's the problem with our government, any ole joe can be in charge, as long as he "does what he's told too" and puts his "time" in. You asked for a suggestion? Well there you go, bring some of these questions up with you buddies the next time your setting up a speed trap on easter Sunday in some ridiculous location that just about everyone I know ends up going 5 mph over just because they didn't ride their brakes all the way down the hill. I'm sure your a good guy, most people who serve are and like I said before, I'm not against you or our fellow serving citizen, I'm against how everything is set up because its all for one thing...MONEY!

Tacoma Lad

Jul 11, 2004
tacoma wa
WArider got two questions for you!!!
1. DO you get a ticket every sunday when you go to church
2. Why dont you slow down when you are coming up to an area where you know there are to be cops.
And just for your info WA state Patrol is not alowed to go out and set up stings any where they want. I say this because you seem to target those that are giving tickets, when wawss the last time you saw a seattle cop giving a ticket they dont they are after your bad guys so just relax on the whole bad civil servant rant, and next time do what I do park along the road no theif will target a car along side a major road


May 21, 2003
Tacoma Lad said:
WArider got two questions for you!!!
1. DO you get a ticket every sunday when you go to church
2. Why dont you slow down when you are coming up to an area where you know there are to be cops.
I haven't gotten a ticket since Jan 2002.(knock on wood) I just observe everything and analyze situations objectively and what I've come to notice is that police officers are always set up in spots that are very easy for the average person to speed non-intentionally, like at the bottom of hills. I've also noticed that they are always out in full force on Sundays for some odd reason. As I stated up top, I don't disrespect the law, or the enforcers, I just find it odd that no matter what state you are in, the "ticketeer's" pull the same moves, and believe me, I've lived in just about every part of this country and spent many hours driving throughout. The issue at hand was theft in parking lots where people of our nature leave our vehicle's to go have some fun for hours on end. All I was trying to say was that why don't they just keep an eye out in "Known" area's for this type of activity rather than the alternative. My educated guess was stated in my last statement for this reason and that is it's more cost effective for them to be ticketing citizen's rather than booking some junkee who's stealing to get his next fix. For the average citizen, this case sucks because not only are we getting our sh!t stolen, but we get a ticket on the way home for speeding down some hill because were pissed off that we have a broken door or window and our acquired goods missing.

Only having lived in Washington 2.5 years now, I'm sure that most of the time the law enforcement is out taking care of the multiple problems that are broadcasted daily on the news. For some odd reason this state has more pedifiles, rapists and drug related issues than any other state I've lived in. SO I am grateful for them patroling our streets for this kind of activity, I just don't agree with the ticketing operations they setup across the nation.

I'm off my soap box for now...


Mar 27, 2004
About two months ago I saw either a Seatac or Des Moines police officer sitting in his car in the parking lot. It was on a weekend and the park was not busy. I felt very safe that day. :)

I'm sure PD knows about the car prowl problem but they are probably busy dealing with crack related problems(this includes murders, domestic violence, other theivery, arson, prostiution, meth labs, DUI, and trailer park activities). We are talking about Seatac here! Park users beware!!!!!!! :nuts:


Aug 4, 2004
the speed limits the speed limit, hill or no hill, if you know a hills coming up, brake ahead of time so that youre coasting 60 down or, or tap your brakes every once in a while. Please don't think I'm trying to get down your throat or anything as we both belong to one community and we need to stick together.

For everyone thats been prey to Vehicle Prowl at Seatac, did you file a report? Just curious, it sounds prevelant and perhaps War is correct, the local PD may not be doing enough to deter it if its happening so often.

Writing tickets isn't so much about making money, because that comes from taxes and grants, its about traffic safety, you keep reinforcing "easter sunday"... sounds like a good day for kids to be playing outside looking for eggs etc. But if they really are writing for 5 over, thats just hoakey. Oh yea... most PDs have a couple units that are designated traffic units, in which all they do everyday all day is enforce traffic rules.

Back to the point, if you're too pissed off to drive the speed limit, you should probably hop back on your bike and cool off, there is no excuse..be it just having a window smashed out or the inability to use your brakes down a hill... I don't work for the Seatac Police so I can't say wether or not their officiers utilize their time optimaly, but if theyre writing for 5 over down a hill then somethings a little off

seatac is a ****pile of meth and hookers, lets move the park down here to capitol forest :)


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
WARider said:
police officers are always set up in spots that are very easy for the average person to speed non-intentionally
That's the point--they want you to keep your speed under control at all times. But I still do think that there is, shall we say, a demographic bias in ticket-giving. For example, a few of my friends have gotten tickets for driving 5 mph over the limit (two of those times, I was in the car with them, so I know they weren't lying), whereas I often see people on the freeway who drive like absolute lunatics, i.e. they pass you in the shoulder at literally 90 mph. On the other hand, police can't be everywhere, but I think they should spend more time on the freeways, and less time catching people out in suburbia who are barely even above the speed limit.