

Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
yo so yesterday I took first delivery of my primary RMSS item... the first issue of my subscription to Dig BMX!!! boo-ya!

Even better, 4xboy put the subscription under my screen name. Dunno if that's good or bad, but now the USPS knows where Jon Kranked lives :rofl:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Just wanted to say thanks to all who chipped in on the gift for me.

This is what you all got me.
Fit kit of my Corrola - I had rigged my Thule last season with an old fit kit that didn't work.

havent' been able to use my digi cam corder because the head was dirty.

Wife broke mine and I'm to cheap to pay $13 at target

For our wood stove so I stop burning my hand and dirtying our kitchen hot pads.

This is for my commuter car for the morning rides to daycare since our youngest grew out of her newborn seat.

All the stuff above were items I really needed. My family and I are greatly thankful for everything!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
look at stosh, being practical :rofl:
It's funny I used to spend way too much on my bikes..... ok well you can never spend "too much" but I'm really happy with the bike I have and the gear I have so it's hard to spend money on it. All the stuff above is stuff that makes my life easier/enjoyable thats the approach I took to the purchases.