
"secret societies" are retarded


Oct 17, 2002
MEL Gibson once had close links to the Australian League of Rights, a Far Right group notorious for its anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial.
The league claims the world is run by a secret society of Jews.
And I'm talking about any secret society. If such a powerful group existed, wouldn't the world be different? Oh sure, so-called Masons. Not that I know their agenda, but if they were that powerful, would they worry about being "secret"?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
LordOpie said:
And I'm talking about any secret society. If such a powerful group existed, wouldn't the world be different? Oh sure, so-called Masons. Not that I know their agenda, but if they were that powerful, would they worry about being "secret"?
Mel Gibson's wrong about Jews running the world? :rofl:

I really need to watch the Passion of the Jew again this weekend.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Thing agout these secret societys is that they aren't secret. They are very open with their existance and as far as I've seen they're open with who their members are. Needless to say, their members are almost only people with some kind of power.

In Sweden the free masons are the biggest society and it is considered to be honorable to be a member and they're looked upon with big, almost envy, eyes form the media, who take the opportunity to point out that "our beloved king" (and undemocratic head of state) is a mason, even though he's not highly ranked. They are very secretive about anything else and the only thing they state is that within their walls all talk of politics and religion (I think I'm missing a third nono here) is porhibited.

Other societys are the Knights of Malta, Odd Fellows, Rotary, Lions, Templar Knights, Council of Foreign Relations - CFR, and the one both GWB and Bill Cliinton are members of is unoficially called the Bilderberg Group (they haven't gone out with their name oficially). GWB and Clinton beeing members of the same group could be the reason why Al Gore felt he didn't get enough support from Clinton in his run for President.

Their recruiting in the US start at fraternities like Scull & Bones that GWB, his dad and granddad Prescot went to at Yale.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
rotary, lions? i know several from a few different countries, and i´d say their "power" (if anything) is limited to that of others individual of similar backgrounds, that is, old farts with lots of spare time.... if anything, i´d rotary have more "power", but stiill, mostly marginal players thumping their chests.

masons? i know quite a few too, personally and from business, from peru and other countries. heck, when i was 18-19 i was even offered to "start the journey" when i turned 21. no way i´d wear one of those tacky ass rings, wtf am I, don king? groucho marx was right about clubs.
they´d got a kick ass building here, they are kinda secretive too and like to play in their treehouse... but its mostly filled of arrivists public employees pos, petty lawyers/accountants with very little connections, political power and marginal wealth.

i´d say any somewhat posh golf/country club members associated have way more political leverage than any "secret society".

but well, thats my experience relative to peru/venezuela/colombia/mexico/south american countries. and somehow i doubt it could be much different from other places.

people who were the real deal (in money and power terms), i dont think have the time to waste, and i dont think they would all have non-exclusive mutual goals as to stick together like that. so IMO, a lot of "secret societies" are basically a lot of powerless chest thumpers :p playing the treehouse game.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
no way i´d wear one of those tacky ass rings, wtf am I, don king? groucho marx was right about clubs.
What, don't you wear a daishiki (african robe, spelling?) when visiting Afrika?
What did Groucho say?

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
rockwool said:
What, don't you wear a daishiki (african robe, spelling?) when visiting Afrika?
What did Groucho say?
I believe he said that he would never belong to a club that would be so bad as to have him for a member. I'm paraphrasing here.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
rockwool said:
What did Groucho say?
I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.

or, as quoted in annie hall.

I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Damn Groucho wasn't thinking all to much about his carer =) but then again he wasn't a businessman.

Seriously, I named the societys/clubs I could think of at that moment. The masons, the Bilderbergers and the CFR are dodgy. The other ones I can't say anything about but I thought they were worth mentioning. I have heard that the masons have members that are even "blue coller workers", probably cus they find them useful somehow.
But within the masons there are different degrees of membership, the higher up, the more they let you know.

I didn't belive in conspiracies a few years ago. Allways thought of people who belived in it as nuts, just like the general public does. My view of it changed as my knowledge about it, which at first was none, grew.
The info is all out there, but if you don't look for it you won't find it eather.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
LordOpie said:
And I'm talking about any secret society. If such a powerful group existed, wouldn't the world be different? Oh sure, so-called Masons. Not that I know their agenda, but if they were that powerful, would they worry about being "secret"?
Once again Opie is trying to cover for his bretheren. :rolleyes: