
Seeing in Photographs


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

Whistler's token Englishman, Bike Park shredder, camera wielder, word sage and party animal Callum Jelley has dropped off the second installment of his summer chronicles. Enjoy!

Words by Callum Jelley
Photos by Brian Finestone

“Where should we go shoot?”, a question that inevitably pops up every time a camera is close by on the hill and every time my brain, as if playing some internal slideshow, rifles through hundreds of shots, angles and possible perspectives for every trail on Whistler. A product, most likely, of spending the last 4 summers scurrying around the hill with Mason Mashon sniffing out the goods for both film and photos.

*See dictionary definition of happiness.

A couple of weeks ago I got the chance to do a lap with the Bike Parks equivalent of the Big Lebowski, Brain Finestone and his camera bag. It’s always fun hanging out with Brian and having never shot with him before I was jazzed about hitting up a couple of my favourite lower mountain zones.

Jump x Plastic = Space.

Hello there inside line.

Once again the slideshow in my brain began to roll through images scattered about the lower slopes but there was one other main factor that was affecting the choice of where and what to shoot. I just got a new bike, it’s plastic, and all it wants to do it float away. In fact its so fun in the air all I seem to be doing now it trying to jump over as much cabbage in the trail as possible. You see at the end of the day there is always an angle to be found on any part of trail anywhere, what often makes or breaks a shot is how much fun the rider is having. If you’re having the best time on your bike it will always show on film or in a photograph.

Jolly good all round fun. Thanks Brian.

