
Sending jobs/work elsewhere to be done cheaper


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
They key is continuing education and self-improvement. You are only as marketable as you make yourself. If work as a widget- waxer tails off and you don't feel like moving to where it's still going strong, then it's time to learn another job skill. Complacency and resting on your laurels only exacerbates unemployment.

A sense of personal responsibility helps, also. Always blaming the gubment or the factory or the union or minorities or bad luck for your employment woes only accounts for energy better focused on solutions. I have personally never spent a day unemployed since the age of 13, and not because I haven't experienced layoffs, office closings, etc. If I lost my job on a Tuesday, I would immediately go to several local Temporary Agencies, apply, test, interview and accept SOME work for the following day, even if it wasn't what I wanted to do or at a rate I found acceptable. If I didn't like the job, at least I had access to the business machines necessary to research other opportunities, polish my resume, fax my introductory letters, email my references, or what have you. Sometimes, I would have to work long hours of overtime or multiple positions in order to make ends meet. You do what you have to do to get by and remain active in the job market.

This is quite a stark contrast to the mindset of those that are satisfied with lining up at the unemployment office for their weekly stipend with a list of excuses for why they haven't found a job yet under their arm. If you doubt what I say, take a look at the body language of those waiting in line at the unemployment office sometime. Slumped shoulders, heads down, wringing hands and mopey expressions that imply the weight of the world has beaten them down into submission. I dropped a friend off there a few times and was just amazed. Imagine that! Nobody is beating the door down for the chance to employ this vivacious group of go-getters! :rolleyes:


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by fluff

What I would like to say is that the posts here are coming across as 'Unions suck, they protect workers and shaft companies'.
At one time unions were fantastic... the best thing for the American worker. At a few anachronistic companies or very mature industries, this is still the case. However, unions have failed to evolve as quickly as the companies they work with... the result is a handicapped company that can't compete in the global market. If they can't compete, they lose market share, can't provide jobs, and ultimately go bankrupt or at the very least massively downsize. The workers can think their unions (along with terrrible executive level management) for that.

It's really just a lack of long term thinking and planning on EVERYONE'S part... companies need to learn that they can both stay flexible and value their workers, and workers need to realize that what's in the best interest of the company is often in their own best interest as well. This is not llikely to happen anytime soon... thus the anti-revolution: capitalism at its purest.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
They key is continuing education and self-improvement. You are only as marketable as you make yourself. If work as a widget- waxer tails off and you don't feel like moving to where it's still going strong, then it's time to learn another job skill. Complacency and resting on your laurels only exacerbates unemployment.

A sense of personal responsibility helps, also. Always blaming the gubment or the factory or the union or minorities or bad luck for your employment woes only accounts for energy better focused on solutions. I have personally never spent a day unemployed since the age of 13, and not because I haven't experienced layoffs, office closings, etc. If I lost my job on a Tuesday, I would immediately go to several local Temporary Agencies, apply, test, interview and accept SOME work for the following day, even if it wasn't what I wanted to do or at a rate I found acceptable. If I didn't like the job, at least I had access to the business machines necessary to research other opportunities, polish my resume, fax my introductory letters, email my references, or what have you. Sometimes, I would have to work long hours of overtime or multiple positions in order to make ends meet. You do what you have to do to get by and remain active in the job market.

This is quite a stark contrast to the mindset of those that are satisfied with lining up at the unemployment office for their weekly stipend with a list of excuses for why they haven't found a job yet under their arm. If you doubt what I say, take a look at the body language of those waiting in line at the unemployment office sometime. Slumped shoulders, heads down, wringing hands and mopey expressions that imply the weight of the world has beaten them down into submission. I dropped a friend off there a few times and was just amazed. Imagine that! Nobody is beating the door down for the chance to employ this vivacious group of go-getters! :rolleyes:

Uh....that's a pretty simplistic point of view.... speaking as someone who was unemployed for a while because Boeing chopped it's 80 000 person workforce down to 40 000, sometimes **** happens. I don't fault Boeing for laying me off. I was a contractor, and airlines were canning their orders after 9/11. What were they supposed to do?

And maybe I'm a little full of myself, but being a Boeing design engineer isn't exactly being a widget waxer. I wasn't about to go get myself retrained in another field....that would take several years to get another bachelor's degree. The unemployment system is there as a safety net. It's part of living in this society. I used it until I was able to find something in my field (recall my 75 mile commute for a year). I feel no shame....

Now I've been gainfully employed for quite a while now and i'm back on my feet....once again paying into the system that helped me.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by MMike
Uh....that's a pretty simplistic point of view.... speaking as someone who was unemployed for a while because Boeing chopped it's 80 000 person workforce down to 40 000, sometimes **** happens. I don't fault Boeing for laying me off. I was a contractor, and airlines were canning their orders after 9/11. What were they supposed to do?

And maybe I'm a little full of myself, but being a Boeing design engineer isn't exactly being a widget waxer. I wasn't about to go get myself retrained in another field....that would take several years to get another bachelor's degree. The unemployment system is there as a safety net. It's part of living in this society. I used it until I was able to find something in my field (recall my 75 mile commute for a year). I feel no shame....

Now I've been gainfully employed for quite a while now and i'm back on my feet....once again paying into the system that helped me.

No offense intended, MMike. Probably your course of action is the better one for career progression because it is the more consistent. My comments were meant for those who work harder at tricking the system into believing they are seeking gainful employment than actually doing the seeking. Instead of going on x-number of interviews per week and doing everything they can to land the position, many are content in their idleness and just create new and improved ways of outwitting the bureaucrat paid to distribute the largess. As you can see from my clarification, this would clearly not apply to you. :p


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
No offense intended, MMike. Probably your course of action is the better one for career progression because it is the more consistent. My comments were meant for those who work harder at tricking the system into believing they are seeking gainful employment than actually doing the seeking. Instead of going on x-number of interviews per week and doing everything they can to land the position, many are content in their idleness and just create new and improved ways of outwitting the bureaucrat paid to distribute the largess. As you can see from my clarification, this would clearly not apply to you. :p
Well, I've been contracting for 7 years, after 14 years gainful employment elsewhere. Now I'm a freelance data network designer and, like MMike, I'm not looking to retrain (though I may earn beer money driving a van or suchlike). Been unemployed for a total of 3 months in 7 years (and currently so) but I've yet to claim benefit. I just don't like the way share price has become god and people are just numbers.

But that's economics I guess.
Dow Jones, The Wall Street Journal has begun the unthinkable. Here is an American Made company that was built on the Markets back when The stock market still used ticker machines. As American a company as Mom and Pops homemade apple pie stand and here today they have begun OUTSOURCING Information Technology jobs to another company, a company located in and operated by India. This is the 1st wave and 70 people will be without jobs within a month. It's pathetic that a Company like Dow Jones and its greedy fat shareholders are destroying American families that built this company while at the same time strengthening a foreign Nation. I work for this rag and I spit on it and what it now stands for. Buy USA TODAY. As for me, I still have a job....today but in a few months I very much doubt it.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
uh, please check the date of threads before posting odd rants. kthxbye
Yea I know I know. It's been pointed out. This is again one of the ones I grabbed from the "related topic" section at the bottom of the page. If we shouldn't use related topics then maybe that feature should be removed don't you think?
For the record, I won't be posting to any of the "related topics" any longer but keep in mind I already posted to a few of them so I hope I don't have to go through this for every one of them.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
related topics sometimes comes up with recent related threads as well. just makes sense to check to see if the thread is ancient or not.