Ok there have been a few local stories that have caught my attention
Personalized license plates and the legality of them.
Apperantly someone or group decided a personalized license -plate offended them.. This is a current local issue.
Was reported recently because it supposedly violates the seperation of church and state. This Washington state lady had the plate for more than a decade....does removing the plate equate to removing her freedom of speach?
This guy had the same license plate refused in Vermont. He isn't local but with same plate request.
A brief I found on it and from my same county:
Personalized license plates and the legality of them.
Apperantly someone or group decided a personalized license -plate offended them.. This is a current local issue.
Was reported recently because it supposedly violates the seperation of church and state. This Washington state lady had the plate for more than a decade....does removing the plate equate to removing her freedom of speach?
This guy had the same license plate refused in Vermont. He isn't local but with same plate request.
another one. This one actually made me laugh.Man battles Vermont over John 3:16 plates
Posted by 26lemoncharlie
On News/Activism 05/12/2005 8:16:40 PM PDT · 14 replies · 332+ views
World Net Daily ^ | May 12, 2005 | World Net Daily
Officials claim car tags property of state so can't endorse religion © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com A Vermont man is fighting the state government over its refusal to allow him to have a license plate with a reference to a Bible verse. After receiving a rejection from the state to his request for custom plates bearing "JOHN316," Rutlant, Vt., resident Shawn Byrne appealed to an administrative law judge. When the appeal was rejected Byrne, with the help of religious-liberties law firm Alliance Defense Fund, sued in federal court earlier this year. According to the Rutland Herald, Byrne's attorney, Jeremy Tedesco, last week...
A brief I found on it and from my same county:
2004, July 24: GOTMILF vanity licence plates
By Michael Syravong. Snohomish County in Washington State cancelled this vanity licence plate after complaints by two women. Milf stands for Mothers I'd Like to ****; it has become very popular with internet pornography sites featuring mature women. Mr Syravong had told the Washington DMV it stood for "Manual Inline Lift Fluctuator". In his efforts to keep the plate he offered a few possible alternate meanings, including 'Got My Invitation Last Friday' and 'Got Married Into Lisa's Family'. The DMV didn't fall for it and the tags were cancelled after a review of several months.
[Get serious, dude, nobody's going to believe MILF stands for anything other than its sexual connotation. The question that arises from this case, as I see it, is: can acronyms be found to be as "obscene" as they ideas they stand for? --MN]