This is answerered by JRogers below, but I will summarize. Things like fire and high speed collisions are extremely powerful, and yet highly random things. Just because something was vaporized does not mean everything would be.From the Pentagon flight they have identified people through fingerprints and DNA, but how come there can be any fingerprints left while the two Rolls Royce engines, that the plane carried, of 6tons each completely melted? 12 tons of metal vaporized and fingers didn't..
Also, in one documentary I saw there was an open book lying on a chair that was just centimiters away from falling into the mess made by the "plane". How come that didn't burn any of its pages?
The abovetopsecret link I provided shows photos of engine parts at the Pentagon, that you claim were vaporized.
Your description of the scientific method is dead-on. Reasoning does not lead to proof. It leads to a hypothesis, which must be tested.Historical knowledge is not sought through pure analytical reasoning. That is what conspiracy theorists do- they suggest the reasonability of certain events or actions by claiming an amount of reasonability without corresponding evidence. Case in point: are you a scientist? Do you know how human bodies, fingerprints, etc. react in a plane crash? How much do you know about the physics of intentional plane crashes at incredibly high speed? It may be reasonable to assume that all would be incinerated, but is there a truly scientific (ie based on experiment or practical observation from similar events) way of determining that this should be the case? Reality often does not fall as we think it might based on our pure reasoning.
I disagree with your assessment of conspiracy theorists. Just because something is reasonable or probable, or improbable, etc. does not constitute proof. You paint conspiracy theorists with the same broad brush that the media does, and you may as well be calling them . If one bases a theory upon "reasonableness" it proves nothing.
However, if you base a theory upon evidence, this evidence must be addressed. I have presented credible evidence of molten steel, and the official hypothesis is disproved by this evidence. A new hypothesis must be considered and tested to reach a proof. This is exactly what Dr. Jones has done, and his paper is ignored or ridiculed. Neither method is a valid way to test his hypothesis.
Mere assumptions. This entire paragraph lacks a single fact. No evidence, no hypothesis, nothing. It sounds something like this:Furthermore, if we assume that this was a conspiracy of sorts and that this cannot be proven, it would require a large machinery of effort and planning (ie, the conspirators are intelligent and thorough). If what you suggest in your questions is true, we also have to assume that they are unaware of apparently easily grasped facts- that DNA would be destroyed, etc. Unless we add further layers of conspiracy on this (making the entire thing less plausible) then we have to accept that the conspirators are both incredibly intelligent and incredibly stupid.
That is what JRogers does- he suggests the reasonability of certain events or actions by claiming an amount of reasonability without corresponding evidence.