
Shaken not stirred Monday GMT

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
moving slowly this morning, must have ridden the bike hard this weekend. Coffee is very black with an oily film. first sip says it is very good. Not ready to go back to work. New 1200 lumen LED headlamp should arrive Wednesday or Thursday


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
i'm a pussy...it would freak me out.
when I was in Chile visiting my wife's family there was a quake. shook the furniture around, rattled the glasses, but nothing fell and nothing broke. I froze and my eyes went wide as saucers. They didn't even blink. They call those "tremors" over there, nothing to even think about. I think it was in the low 6 range...

Anyways, glad to hear you're ok @DaveW ...

Night 2/7 of just me and the boys is in the books. they fell asleep quick and I was able to tend to my domestic duties and still have time to watch a show on Netflix before bed. They were in full cooperation mode this morning too, so things are looking good for now. fingers crossed. I think they know they can overwhelm me, and they are scared of the chaos they could unleash if left to their own devices...

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Got to see @vinnycactus at the local bar while he was in town Saturday to catch up a bit. That was cool.

Other than that, boss is in NC all week for training, so I predict a super productive week (no sarcasm).

Also got word from the manager of the capital project group that in the not-so-distant future there should be some project manager positions opening up in his group that "shouldn't be a problem" for me to fill if I so desired (which I do, greatly). So that's good.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Mornin peeps!

Got in a good, big ride for me Saturday. A little over 30 miles with 3,900' of climbing. Me likey.

Now to attend to the week. Boss is out of the country so while the cat is away the mouse shall play!


Feb 24, 2011
Tired legs on a Monday is a sign you had a good weekend. Rode into town yesterday and did an Alleycat race. Had some fun, drank a beer and made my way home. Then I split some wood till dark.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Mornin peeps!

Got in a good, big ride for me Saturday. A little over 30 miles with 3,900' of climbing. Me likey.

Now to attend to the week. Boss is out of the country so while the cat is away the mouse shall play!
hows conditions out there? I'd guess it's really, really dry?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

The rain is in full force, holy hell. It managed to stay nice over the weekend, but it started late last night and is scheduled to lat through Tuesday. Sometimes it's nice and I sorta miss the rain. This isn't the rain I miss.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Yep! Really, really dry out there. The kitty litter was quite deep and you could see how people had blown the edge off damn near every corner.
Mountain Lion was in pretty good condition. Just sayin'. :D

Today I dropped the Land Cruiser off at the body shop. Scratches and (most of the) dents, begone!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Glad to hear you are ok, DaveW! I hope you took advantage of the opportunity to get some looting in.

I am back at work this morning after vacation. BOOOOOO!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
work laptop took an hour to boot up / login today. a fucking hour. if it's any indicator as to how my week is gonna go, i should just start drinking.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Morning all. Happy to hear reports that no Monkeys have died, so that's good.

Doing work from an AirBnB in SHREDona, AZ this morning / early afternoon, then out for a bike ride and finding some vortexes (vortices?) later. Traveled here from Denver via a stop in Santa Fe and got to explore some trails there... good stuff. La Tierra is a nice little stacked loop system close to town, perfect for an after work ride or when you roll in to town at 3:45pm and sunset is just over an hour away.

Stopped in to Mellow Velo bike shop in town and got some great trail beta from a really friendly shop owner, David. Had an amazing meal at The Shed, which was also recommended by David. Camped that night at some cg in Hyde Park State Park, freaking COLD though — got down to the low low 30's overnight. Forunately my 15 degree bag did it's job and I managed to not freeze to death.

Sunday morning we rolled the dice on not getting a shuttle up to Ski Santa Fe and just drove up, expored some of Rio En Medio and most of the descent of the Windsor Trail, looks like we netted just over 4,000' of descending for ~1,300' of climbing... and when we popped out on the highway we were over 10 miles below the car and had no shuttle or cell service.

After several failed hitching attempts we started pedaling towards town to find cell service, determined to call an Über to take one of us back up the hill to my truck. Within a couple minutes a Prius with 2 bikes on the back rolled past and I threw a thumb out... they honked wildy and pulled over. They were going up to the ski area to retrieve a shuttle vehicle themselves... Score! My traveling companion hopped in with them, I sat down and had a Marble Red, and after she got back down we beat feet for AZ.

So far the only bummer about this trip has been not having time to hit Tesuque Market for some delicious New Mexican breakfast burritos. I'll probably live. Maybe.
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You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
I am still exhausted from the weekend. Built me a car port for two cars. Plus got a good ride in and finally rode this big rock me and my buddy have been eyeballing. It was easy so i hit it two more times. Plus drinking with the lady and some friends took its toll. The 3 year old was crazy with that full moon. Another work week ahead.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Had the 2 year old to myself this weekend. We did bikes and hiking, worked on the back yard pump track, and I drank a lot of beer when she was in bed. Managed to sneak in a ride with the pup thanks to babysitter relief. Sunday, @jackalope came by with his spawn and we left the two of them to their own devices while riding the pump track. All was going well until he lost it in a dusty berm and mangled his meat squeezing thumb. We comforted ourselves with moar booze and bratwurst veggie stew concoction.

Photo evidence of awesome fall in NC. Can't wait to slack off next week!


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
interesting...yellow lab mix, but was brought to our neighbor by someone thinking he was part visla...neighbors convinced us to keep him.

great ride in the nc hills. headquarters/persimmon/yellowbuck, then shuttle to lost cove cliffs. 60^. mostly sunny, except for some forest fire haze...leaf surfing over hidden babyheads, gullies, and ledges ftw. shuttling gave us around 5000' down for around 2000' up. beers after, of course.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
60F here as well so I left work very early to ride in the afternoon. With the exception of that one moment, when during landing a small jump in rough stuff one of my feet slipped off the pedal and turned my shin into a hamburger and my balls into pancakes, it was a pretty good ride. Leaves on trails are starting to fall apart thanks to a lot of traffic and everything is a little moar slippery than yesterday.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Great day on the trails. It'll be tempting to not take tomorrow off too...

Weeeeeeee.... Someone spent two days making this bad boy. Had to give her a good test.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Back in town after a somewhat failed CDT ride that had to be cut short due to burning lung sensation and much pain while breathing hard. The 2 Alieve took did not work 12 hours as advertised. Took 2 more 20 minutes ago and they are beginning to work. Meh, this was going to be the last mountain ride for me this year unless the weather becomes even more freakishly warm. Thanks to @Monatana rider for the no hassle / no guilt bail out. I hate bailers and now I am one. Sad. Only Keep Cool Creek Blonde Ale can save the day.

Took some video of the trail back down, no heroics but lots of pretty rocks and trees. Will post later.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
So this is what happens when your house is built bang on top of the fault and it decides to go with one half of the fault..... dragged off it's foundations.
Must have been one hell of a ride for the family inside it at the time! :eek:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande

As I wrote above, no heroics and yes I was avoiding rocks today. :)

Starting in the spring I am going to make videos of the potential trail rides for Montana riders Montana Monkey Fest. I'll work on my video skills and get a stabilizer. :)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

As I wrote above, no heroics and yes I was avoiding rocks today. :)

Starting in the spring I am going to make videos of the potential trail rides for Montana riders Montana Monkey Fest. I'll work on my video skills and get a stabilizer. :)
Looks like a fun, smooth trail. I'd be trying to hop up on all of those rocks flanking the trail. :D


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
TIL that having 2200 lumens of headlight is not much use at all if one forgets the pin that secures the light to the helmet mount.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
spent a while ripping kitchen sink faucet apart to get to the cartridge. to get to it, i had to trash the nylon lock nut that holds the cartridge in place, which was fused on. it had a stupid small lip to grab with channel locks, which quickly got rounded. grabbed it by the threads on the side (which hold on the skirt of the faucet handle above) which eventually worked but destroyed them in the process. once cartridge was removed i saw that it was, indeed, cracked.

i hope the store has both in stock tomorrow morning...i've earned moar beer, i do believe.

lots of fires still burning in various parts of the mountains: http://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2016/11/14/nearly-70-square-miles-ablaze-wnc/93797350/