


Mike Bloss, Hero
Here's the deal. I've been going to the local Bally's on my parents temp passes until the indian givers there took it away from me telling me I could come back on a membership if I wanted to come back.....so

I went to the brand new place near my house and got a membership there. I like it a lot more. Younger crowd, more equipment, climbing wall, etc..yadda yadda..

OK, here's the deal. Not all the time, but every now and then when working out. I get really bad shakes. Kinda "concerning shakes". Is this just due to me overworking myself even though I don't really think that I'm presonally "killing myself"? Am I dehydrated?

I drink water or TANG when I work out and usually make sure that I've eaten about an hour prior to going to work out. Just wondering what is making me get the shakes. The one thing that seems to help is eating a power bar about 15 min prior to going there.

Any ideas? Any input is appreciated.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
DUDE, what kind of shakes are you talking about? Is it your central nervous system, or muscle shakes? Muscle shakes are normal. Happens to me every time I work my legs.


Mike Bloss, Hero
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk
after your first week or two, working out shouldn't really make you sore at all.
The thing is I'm trying to bulk myself up quite a bit....so I've been pushing myself a lot. i.e. - did 7 sets of 10 on the shoulder raise mashine last night. I spend 2 hours, 4 times a week at the health club now.

BTW, anyone have any tips on building mass and definition at the same time? I've been using the moderate weight, moderate reps, SLOOOOOW movement method. Anyone else have any other tips?

on another note....OH YAY! My harddrive just made the "death click"!
Originally posted by Bonk
The thing is I'm trying to bulk myself up quite a bit....so I've been pushing myself a lot. i.e. - did 7 sets of 10 on the shoulder raise mashine last night. I spend 2 hours, 4 times a week at the health club now.

well, I'm not a certified trainer YET so you can take my opinion for what it's worth - but I think you are doing too much.

to bulk = less reps, more weight (and fewer sets)


Mike Bloss, Hero
Originally posted by LOOnatic
You are being punished from above for having too many pimp a$$ bikes. :D :eviltongu :nopity:
:rolleyes: Riiiiiiiiight! ;) :D

....ugh....getting more sore after I just too a nap here :mad: Grr, I didn't feel anything when I woke up this worning. I wanted to go again tonight.:( *reaches for the Ibprofin* :D

"I must! I must! I must increase my bust!"