
Share you Dutch Oven Recipies


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
and no I don't mean farting under the covers and smoothering your SO in the stench....

Tis the season for car camping and when I'm car camping I like to bring the ol' the dutch oven along do a little camp cooking.

Here's my recipe for Chicken Potpies done in the Dutch oven. Feel free to share your own recipies.

Feeds 2-3

2-3 large boneless chicken breasts
1 lb bag of mixed fresh frozen veggies (carrots, peas, beans, corn, etc.)
1 can cream-o-something soup (chicken, shroom, celery, whatever)
1 can of biscuits
1 tsp oil (or nonstick spray)

Get a good bed of coals ready under your dutch oven. Add oil to oven spray with non-stick spray) Chop chicken into 1" cubes, add to the oven and brown. Add salt / pepper / etc if you think you need it. Once the chicken is brown add the veggies and the cream-o-soup, stir well. If you like a juicier pie you might add a little water at this point. I'd say no more than 1/2 a soup can. The veggies cook down and add a bit of water.

Next cover the 'pie filling' with the canned biscuits. Most cans come with 10 biscuits. I usually only use about 5 and save the rest for breakfast. To completely cover the top of the filling I divide the biscuits in halves. Usually this is pretty easy to do. You just have to pick at the edge of the biscuit and it will come apart in layers. Finally put the lid on and cover it with a good layer of coals. Cook 15-20 minutes or until the biscuits are golden brown.

While you wait, sit back and enjoy the fire with a nice beer or 2, and before you know it, viola:

Dinner is served.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
That rocks, I love chicken pot pie.

I'll see if I can find my peach or berry cobbler pie recipe and post them up. They are fairly simple, super tasty though. Especially if you pack in a cooler with some heavy cream!

The Ito


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
jdschall said:
and no I don't mean farting under the covers and smoothering your SO in the stench....
1st thing i thought of. :hot:

i think i posted a pot roast recipe here a while ago, but not sure how well that'd lend to camp cooking.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
narlus said:
1st thing i thought of. :hot:

i think i posted a pot roast recipe here a while ago, but not sure how well that'd lend to camp cooking.

Probably pretty well. It would take a little longer to cook though. I like this recipe because it's so fast.

I've done the beef stew lots of times too. It takes a while for the taters to cook. I usually do bisquick drop biscuits on the top instead of the canned biscuits.

I did a young turkey once with all the fixings. Man that was good. I've never done it again. Too much effort to repeat.

Others I've done: Cobblers, Pineapple upside down cakes, chili.

I'm looking for some new recipies. I was hoping some monkeys would help me out.