
Shark victim's headless body recovered


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Wednesday, August 18, 2004 Posted: 10:45 AM EDT (1445 GMT)
UKIAH, California (AP) -- The Coast Guard has recovered the headless body of a diver who was killed by a shark off the Mendocino County coast.

Randy Fry, 50, was attacked Sunday afternoon in shallow water near Westport while diving for abalone with a companion.

Fry's body was recovered Monday; the companion escaped injury.

A friend of Fry's estimated the shark was between 16 to 18 feet long. "It was over in five seconds," said Red Bartley, who witnessed the fatal encounter from a boat.

It was the state's first shark fatality since August a year ago.

-and on the same incident-

Divernet News, dateline 18 August 2004
Diver killed by shark in California
50-year-old Randy Fry was diving for abalone off the northern Californian coast on Sunday 15 August when he was attacked and killed by a 6-metre-long shark.

Fry was diving with two friends on abalone beds in 6 metres, just off Ten Mile River Beach, Westport. Fellow diver Red Bartley witnessed the attack from the dive boat, and acted quickly to haul the remaining diver, Cliff Zimmerman out of the sea and back into the safety of the boat.

Zimmerman had been barely a metre away from Fry when the attack occurred and recounted the sensation of the shark coming past him in the water like a torpedo, just before the water became clouded with blood.

The shark is likely to have been a great white, but the attack was described as being 'over in five seconds' and neither witness could provide a positive identification.

US Coastguard recovered Fry's headless body on Monday and his remains were formally identified.

California's last fatal shark attack was in August 2003 when a woman swimming with seals was attacked close to a beach in southern California.

Shark attacks on divers are extremely rare, and the majority involve divers who are spear-fishing. For statistics, see International Shark Attack File website


:eek: :dead: :eek:

What a helluva' way to go:

"...la de da de daaaaaaaaaaaaa...a-ba-lo-ne, a-ba-lo-ne, AHHHHHH!"SCRUNCH!burble, burble, burble... :dead:

I think that the most pitiful thing in this world sometimes is a senseless or freak end to an otherwise productive life. I mean how STUPID! You are supposedly homo fuggin' sapiens sapiens- master of all you survey and top of the food chain. You lead a good life, have a wife and kids...and then some loser forever ends the existence of your genetic line because he was bummed about a 35-and-over adult league softball loss and decided to drink a fifth of rum until the wee hours before driving to work on Monday morning. Same thing here- getting your head bit off by a shark that most likely just mistook you for a seal because of the black wetsuit and light penetration conditions. And the shark doesn't get to finish the meal, so food is wasted...and the family doesn't get an open casket without the artistic wizardry of Madame Toussauds or a 3rd degree black belt in papier mache. It just sucks that all who deserve it can't come to a heroic or dignified end. :(


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Wow, what a depressing commentary. I think i need to go home now.

I'm all out of prozac.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I would rather go out in a quick bloody splash doing something I enjoyed than rotting in bed crapping myself because of cancer or some other degenerative disease. I would just prefer to avoid the sharks until my 70's.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
So is this going to turn into a "how would you like to Snuff it thread?" :dead:

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
That's some crazy shyt. I'm sorry for his family's loss.

I'll stick to land for another year or so.
Sharks are one of my few fears, when your in the water with one you're helpless. :(


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Thats scary stuff right there, sharks own the shallows, nothing is as badass as them. People who scuba dive with prey of a shark are taking a risk of getting eaten by earths most badass carnivorous eating machine.

Ive seen a few sharks in my time. 2 Nurse and 1 fast mover that I couldnt Identify... I got the hell out of the water that day. I am much more scared however or Morey eels. I love to reef dive and Morey eels are the scariest thing EVER, those mofos can come out of a hole in the reef and in a split second swallow your head. I'm always paranoid when I get close to a reef for this reason, that and because I have seen them in there just chillin with that crazy long nosed smiling face with teeth so big it cant help but have them exposed... gives me the willies just thinking about it.

I found myself in a school of baracudas once... that was freaky. I thought I was gonna die, but I just sunk to the bottom and chilled for a few min and the school moved on.


It was the state's first shark fatality since August a year ago.

The trend tells me not to dive off of the California coast in August. :think:

dh girlie

Thanks, gogli...I was so excited to snorkel in the reefs in Cancun, now I'm gonna be terrified of head gobbling eels...never thought of that...

Very sad for that guy...major bummer, but that's the risk you take when you partake in such an activitiy.

I have a friend that was doing some salmon fishing on a big boat out by the Farallon Islands (about 30 miles west of the Golden Gate Bridge). It's a major great white shark breeding ground and they study the GW's from the main island there...anyway...this guy was screamin FISH ON, FISH ON! And he had a big ole salmon, and as he was reeling him in, this seal pops up outta no where...steals the salmon, but as he's fighting for the fish, a huge GW came outta nowhere and macked the seal...he said it was the eeriest thing...they were laughin at the guy for getting his fish taken away by a seal, and here comes a shark to take the seal...he said it was so bloody and gross and macabre. Everyone was trippin and they packed it up and headed back in...scary.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
The very thought of getting your head popped off like a mushroom cap or muffin top is going to be creeping me out for the rest of the day, probably. It sure doesn't help that I went to a junior High school named for Washington Irving and am very familiar with his literature!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Westy said:
I would rather go out in a quick bloody splash doing something I enjoyed than rotting in bed crapping myself because of cancer or some other degenerative disease. I would just prefer to avoid the sharks until my 70's.
here here....

The human ape became top of the food chain with our brains, not our brawn. So many critters in this world can eat us with ease if they so choose, and getting gobbled up by something to be used as an energy source is an inevitabilaty awaiting us all.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Skookum said:
here here....

The human ape became top of the food chain with our brains, not our brawn. So many critters in this world can eat us with ease if they so choose, and getting gobbled up by something to be used as an energy source is an inevitabilaty awaiting us all.
"And the worms ate into his brain..."

I don't worry about being a tranducer once I'm dead- it's the prospect of being completely unprepared and fully conscious during the process that freaks me out. Once my soul has found a new vessel, I could care less what happens to my leavings.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
llkoolkeg said:
"And the worms ate into his brain..."

I don't worry about being a tranducer once I'm dead- it's the prospect of being completely unprepared and fully conscious during the process that freaks me out. Once my soul has found a new vessel, I could care less what happens to my leavings.
Carry a weapon in your pocket, that's what i do.... and if you win the unlucky lottery to be a critters lunch, try to take your predator's eye out with your dying breath.

*Edit* Unless of course your adversary is a poisinous snake haha, better to get anti-venom rather than get multiple bites trying to get revenge haha. *Edit*


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Skookum said:
Carry a weapon in your pocket, that's what i do.... and if you win the unlucky lottery to be a critters lunch, try to take your predator's eye out with your dying breath.

*Edit* Unless of course your adversary is a poisinous snake haha, better to get anti-venom rather than get multiple bites trying to get revenge haha. *Edit*

What should you do when attacked by a dance hating log??


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
just read the story again (yes i'm that bored).
can u imagine being the other guy - how freaky.

I bet his wetsuit was really a wetsuit after that. I'd sh!t myself so hard that I'd be like an octopus squirting out ink - except it'd be stink. My only defense against a shark attack would to just plain disgust him so much he'd have to roll down a window.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Westy said:
What should you do when attacked by a dance hating log??
Yah i've had a whole month to ponder this contingency. People are going to find it odd that i carry a chainsaw in my camelbak from here on out....


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
Thanks, gogli...I was so excited to snorkel in the reefs in Cancun, now I'm gonna be terrified of head gobbling eels...never thought of that...

as he was reeling him in, this seal pops up outta no where...steals the salmon, but as he's fighting for the fish, a huge GW came outta nowhere and macked the seal...he said it was the eeriest thing...they were laughin at the guy for getting his fish taken away by a seal, and here comes a shark to take the seal...he said it was so bloody and gross and macabre. Everyone was trippin and they packed it up and headed back in...scary.
Awesome fishing story there. I would have loved to see a GW... as long as Im not in the water with it. Absolutely amazing fish.

As for the Morey eels... I wouldnt worry too much about them. Not many people get attacked by them and the people that do are underwater close to the side of the reef... they wont just swim up and attack you, they like to hunt from their hole, pop out real fast grab their prey and back they go. Anyway, not a big deal, attacks are rare, those big headed mofos just creep me out real bad when I get up next to a reef. Snorkelers spend their time on top of the water, not at risk at all.

Good reefs in Cancun? Ive never been. Done most of my diving in the Carribian.

dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
Awesome fishing story there. I would have loved to see a GW... as long as Im not in the water with it. Absolutely amazing fish.

As for the Morey eels... I wouldnt worry too much about them. Not many people get attacked by them and the people that do are underwater close to the side of the reef... they wont just swim up and attack you, they like to hunt from their hole, pop out real fast grab their prey and back they go. Anyway, not a big deal, attacks are rare, those big headed mofos just creep me out real bad when I get up next to a reef. Snorkelers spend their time on top of the water, not at risk at all.

Good reefs in Cancun? Ive never been. Done most of my diving in the Carribian.

Cancun is on the caribbean side of Mexico...supposed to be some awesome reefs from there down to Belize....Isla Mujeres is supposed to have some pretty cool snorkeling/diving and that is one of the trips we're planning on taking...I can't fathom breathing under water, so I won't try diving and I'm kinda scared of fish swimming around me...but I like to look at the fish...that thing you posted is a scary looking mofo. I also trip out on those stingray things...I saw one in a picture that was GINORMOUS and I was thinking if I ever saw that thing I'd probably have a heart attack. Maybe I'll just visit the Mayan ruins and hit the pool bar...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
be sure to pick up some really cheesy t-shirts while you are down there


Oct 17, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
...recovered the headless body of a diver who was killed by a shark...
Damn terrorist sharks! I saw we invade... send in the Seals.

hehe, seals vs sharks... don't think that'll turn out good ;)

Reminds me of a joke...
A penguin was riding his bike, and suddenly oil began spraying all over the front of his bike, so he gets off and walks it back to the bike shop. The mechanic tells him it will be about 20 minutes to fix. So the penguin goes across the street to have himself a vanilla icecream cone, a cool frosty treat (penguins LOVE cool frosty treats), and because he has no hands, he gets icecream all over his lil beak. The penguin then heads back over to the mechanic, and the mechanic says "it looks like you blew a seal", and the penguin replies "no no, it's just ice cream".


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
dh girlie said:
Cancun is on the caribbean side of Mexico...supposed to be some awesome reefs from there down to Belize....Isla Mujeres is supposed to have some pretty cool snorkeling/diving and that is one of the trips we're planning on taking...I can't fathom breathing under water, so I won't try diving and I'm kinda scared of fish swimming around me...but I like to look at the fish...that thing you posted is a scary looking mofo. I also trip out on those stingray things...I saw one in a picture that was GINORMOUS and I was thinking if I ever saw that thing I'd probably have a heart attack. Maybe I'll just visit the Mayan ruins and hit the pool bar...



DaveW said:
heh heh new signature ahoy! :rofl: :devil: :evil: :trophy_br
I got neg feedback yesterday, learning you can't bump 2 year old threads. It was mine that I bumped, but I thought it was important.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
DaveW's been ressurrecting threads all over the place. He's suffering from an e-messiah complex...