
Shaved & Polished


Feb 8, 2005
ya i dont get that...people that shave their arms and legs to decrease the "wind resistance"....i think the first thing to shave if you want to cut wind resistence is your head :nuts:


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Cash-Money said:
maybe they are closet ravers, i talked to this guy i that graduated from my school last year, he shaves his arms and legs and wears eye shadow, so he can dance. wtf

Helps him avoid foam rash perhaps?

My legs will be shave for SOC, no polish though, that's just a bit wierd.

The Ito


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
H8R said:
As I understandm it helps for road rash, especially when it's time to scrub it out.

Other than that, no reason to shave unless your in competitive swimming. Even then it's lame. Much better to look like a bigfoot in the woods.

Swimmers only do it if they MUST. Like for a super important meet. And its only to be combined with tapering your training back for best effect. Bikers that shave walk around like that 90% of the time. Swimmers... more like 2%.


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
No one mentioned that for Roadies it also helps to keep the road rash from being as bad. Instead of just sliding along the road, if you have leg hair the asphalt catches the hair and rips it out making the road rash even worse. :dead:


Aug 14, 2001
N8 said:
I call BS on that argument.

I ride a MTB and I've had many 'accidents' in my years of riding yet I've never gotten an infection from leg hairs... :rolleyes:
These guys just need to admit they like shaving their legs and like the way it looks. I'd have more respect for them. My hairy legs have been torn up mountain biking a lot over the years and I've been able to avoid gangrene...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
narlus said:
would they raise an eyebrow if that guy shaved his eyebrows?
:think: Technically could they raise an eyebrow if they shaved their eyebrows?

These are the questions that keep me up at night.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Don't really care about the arm hair personally, so long at it's not gorilla-like, but definitely prefer the shaved legs....less itchy in bed ;)

dh girlie

dexter said:
its true, i ended up in the hospital missing our senior trip that I planned last year due to a major staff infection. My right arm looked like it had a tall boy shoved under the skin that was due a cut that was almost completely healed from a bike crash and getting in a hot tub. Something nasty got on the hair folicol (sp?) and got under the skin. I seem to mostly cut my legs when ridding so I shave them. Reasons being:
A) no infections
B) band aids stick and dont hurt like ****
C) personally i think it looks much better
D) some of my pads have pulled hair out when moving around
E) girls love it, no bull ****
Someones f'n with you on E...I'm sure some girls like it, but I don't know too many that do.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I can't believe this has cropped up again!

If you want to remove all that yucky, manly hair from your delicate bodies, just do it and have the nuts to admit why.

Becuase it helps if you get a boo boo? Try wearing full-length bike pants. Your hair won't hold infectous agents if you shower every other week and don't roll around in feces.

Because it is more aerodynamic? Why not tape your dick back between your legs and shave of another 1/4 second per mile.

Because chicks dig it? This reminds me of when Theo Cosby got an ear-ring! Try reading a book and developing your conversational ability. Who knows...maybe go crazy and buy a nice suit and quality footwear. That'll impress a lot more women than you rubbing your soft girlish legs together like a cricket.

Because band-aids pull your wittle hairs out and mommy has to kiss it? Is your threshold of pain tolerance so low that this is even an issue? At least this answers the question as to why those tiny, narrow racing saddles don't hurt your ballzaxx!

Why not wax big strips of smoothness alongside your genitalia? I'd bet that will make you a faster rider, too. Think of all that performance-robbing friction where your legs meet your torso. Mohowk man-bushes are the wave of the future! :rolleyes:

I can just see all these cro-magnons in a big, luxurious bubble bath with their legs on the wall, a merlot within arm's reach, 20 lit aromatherapy candles and rose petals surrounding the tub and a big stash of PMS chocolate in a crystal dish balanced on the soap tray. Be sure to get your ass-cracks exfoliated because the blackheads are weighing you down! Hahahahahahaha! :D


Aug 14, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
I can't believe this has cropped up again!
Reminds me of the thread about the dude (I use the term generously) who went to the hair salon where they had all of the candles :nope:

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
dh girlie said:
What about their stubble? That's itchier than hayer...
Agreed that the stubble really sucks....I now know why guys bitch about it on girls.

I do understand the shaving part to reduce the "velcro" factor and to make wounds easier to clean. If any of you have ever tried to shave around a wound after the fact, you know that it's a big huge painful pain in the arse....just easier if the hair is not there to big with.

llkoolkeg...you're getting quite irrate and defensive about the subject....are you sure you're not a "closet shaver" and just afraid to admit it? :p :D


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Velocity Girl said:
llkoolkeg...you're getting quite irrate and defensive about the subject....are you sure you're not a "closet shaver" and just afraid to admit it? :p :D
Haha...not irate, just animated and not defensive, either, as I was clearly taking the fight to the cake boys. :thumb:

To answer your question, though, not in or out of the closet or anywhere else. I do not shave my legs, my arms, my head, my nutz, my chest, my back, my buttocks or the fuzz on my big toes. I do not shave them in a boat; I do not shave them with a goat. I do not shave my bag o' yam; I do not shave it Sam I am. I am one of those old-fashioned, boring guys who uses a razor exclusively on his jaw, face and neck.

dh girlie

Velocity Girl said:
Agreed that the stubble really sucks....I now know why guys bitch about it on girls.

I do understand the shaving part to reduce the "velcro" factor and to make wounds easier to clean. If any of you have ever tried to shave around a wound after the fact, you know that it's a big huge painful pain in the arse....just easier if the hair is not there to big with.

llkoolkeg...you're getting quite irrate and defensive about the subject....are you sure you're not a "closet shaver" and just afraid to admit it? :p :D
I shave my legs every day...I don't wanna feel stubble on my OWN legs...but even if you shave you still have to shave around the wound...it gets so pretty when you have a big raspberry with stubble growing out of it! hahaha! I hate scrubbing the dirt out of wounds...I have a dirt tattoo on my knee in the pattern of a scrape cuz I couldn't scrub hard enough to get the dirt out without puking.

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
Haha...not irate, just animated and not defensive, either, as I was clearly taking the fight to the cake boys. :thumb:

To answer your question, though, not in or out of the closet or anywhere else. I do not shave my legs, my arms, my head, my beanbag, my chest, my back, my buttocks or the fuzz on my big toes. I do not shave them in a boat; I do not shave them with a goat. I do not shave my bag o' yam; I do not shave it Sam I am. I am one of those old-fashioned, boring guys who uses a razor exclusively on his jaw, face and neck.
AHAHAHAHAHA! Possibly some of your best work there...the first post was pretty funny too, but I think you outdid yourself with this Dr. Suess thing...

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
dh girlie said:
I shave my legs every day...I don't wanna feel stubble on my OWN legs...but even if you shave you still have to shave around the wound...it gets so pretty when you have a big raspberry with stubble growing out of it! hahaha! I hate scrubbing the dirt out of wounds...I have a dirt tattoo on my knee in the pattern of a scrape cuz I couldn't scrub hard enough to get the dirt out without puking.

Uggg...I hate the random hair patches when you can't shave the area, and if you get to close...OUCH!!!!

Scrubbing dirt out of wounds sucks. I'm sure I have a few marks left in me here and there from not wanting to endure the pain. The only time I made damn sure I sucked it up was when I took off the skin from under to my nose to the bottom of my chin......that was excruciating to get the crap out :eek:

llkoolkeg....very nice poem :thumb:

dh girlie

johnbryanpeters said:
Spoken from experience, I am sure...
Yep...I've crashed or tripped plenty of times and scraped up my knee...you can't shave over a fresh scrape or raspberry...so the stubble grows back...what're you gonna do...the rest of my legs are meticulously shaved and smoooooooooove. And as soon as I can, I will shave over the scrape gently...knee goatees are unsightly in skirts and shorts...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
Oh jeez...goddamn...:rolleyes:

we had a freak rain in the middle of summer and I hit some wet leaves on a turn on some single track and crashed...
Hey, you've admitted here to being very giving in the past; it could've been a legitimate question! :D

I have had carpet burns of my knees that weeped for weeks, so severe were they...albeit with a different causality- carpet creep. I've always considered inventing a stylish velcro cape for ladies to wear when the gymnastic rotation makes it's way back to the floor exercise. It's the only solution to buck-induced carpet creep I have come up with thus far. :think:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
dexterq20 said:
I draw lines on my friends. With Sharpie. When they're passed out on the floor with their shoes on.

yep true true and then the whole part about shaving eyebrows we do that two, and big penises into the backs of their heads if they are being total d-bags.

I have had nothing but compliments from the ladies for it, all my guy friends give me mad **** though but understand its for a reason.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
dh girlie said:
Someones f'n with you on E...I'm sure some girls like it, but I don't know too many that do.
Get a few cocktails in the ladies, and if one knows, they start whispering to each other, and before you know if you're lifting up your pant leg so that everyone can feel.

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Dexter, Queen of the Metrosexuals. :thumb:

Do you get to wear a tiara?


I remember in Tahoe this metrosexual guy spent half the night trying to convince me and my friends he was not gay...he could just appreciate a nice 200 dollar pair of Seven for all Mankind jeans and a tight sweater, and a perfectly coiffed hayer do. I didn't really think he was gay (and not just cuz he went down on my friend later), but he sure spent a lot of time trying to convince us he was not gay...he also hosted a radio q&a show up in Canada for guys on fashion, stylish hair styles, etc. for men.


May 6, 2003
llkoolkeg said:
I've always considered inventing a stylish velcro cape for ladies to wear when the gymnastic rotation makes it's way back to the floor exercise. It's the only solution to buck-induced carpet creep I have come up with thus far. :think:
I am so not getting involved in the main part of this thread, but I gotta help a bro out where I can: be close to a wall or some very heavy furniture so she can push against it. Resistance = GOOD.