
Shed Hunting Season

Just a reminder...hunting season starts soon. The Shed is a haven for hunters of various skill levels, and experience. Not to mention SWI's (shooting while intoxicated). Anyway, bow season usually isn't an issue. You have to really aim a bow, however none of us locals up here will go anywhere near this place during gun season. It's just not safe, even with the blaze orange. There is no hunting on Sundays, so that is the best day to ride. Hunters are also at the top of the good ol' boy pyramid up here, we keep them happy for a couple months, we get a blind eye turned to our two-wheeled off road bi-cycles...ya dig.

Not a target



Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
The "reindeer pad" looks especially comfortable yet flattering at the same time.


Feb 12, 2006
The "reindeer pad" looks especially comfortable yet flattering at the same time.
It's one hell of a chamois, that's for sure! I wanted to grab one of them myself, but I already blew my money on my new state citation trophy quail jersey.


Aug 31, 2004
in a pond
I was xc riding on monday when i came upon a hunter. I asked him what he was hunting........and he said squirel. He said that it would be squirel season till the 22nd. I don't know whats funnier, that he was hunting squirel, or that theirs a season for it.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I was xc riding on monday when i came upon a hunter. I asked him what he was hunting........and he said squirel. He said that it would be squirel season till the 22nd. I don't know whats funnier, that he was hunting squirel, or that theirs a season for it.
Or both.


Jan 23, 2004
Seattle, WA
Does this go for the Gambrill trails too? I was thinking about riding the majority of the blue trail. Guess I'd have to wait until sunday?


May 12, 2006
Does this go for the Gambrill trails too? I was thinking about riding the majority of the blue trail. Guess I'd have to wait until sunday?
As Corey says, Gambrill is fine for riding....however, the Blue trail extends out of Gambrill, thru the Watershed-- in which case you'd be in hunting territory if you're riding "the majority of the Blue trail". Rabbit season.....Duck season.....rabbit season..rabbit season..duck season FIRE !!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
...and if you go really far on the Catoctin Trail, you'll end up in Cunningham Falls or Catoctin Mountain Park, where you'll perhaps get the opportunity to do some 'splainin' to the man. :biggrin:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
...and if you go really far on the Catoctin Trail, you'll end up in Cunningham Falls or Catoctin Mountain Park, where you'll perhaps get the opportunity to do some 'splainin' to the man. :biggrin:
So where exactly does the legal riding end? I heard once that it was legal to ride parts of the blue trail in Cunningham Falls SP but not in others. (But unfortunately not in Catoctin Mtn Park at all, which is too bad because there would be some bad ass shuttles off Park Central Road.)

Do you know the deal?

edit: MTBR Linky


Aug 25, 2006
From the maps it looks like the boundary between the shed and Cunningham Falls SP is the ridge trail that comes out of the Salamander trail and crosses the blue just west of the Thurmont overlook. If you follow that ridge trail south, parallel to the east end of Gambrill Park Rd, past a few trail intersections, through the rockfields to the T-intersection, everything to the east (towards 15) is CFSP. Everything to the west (towards Gambrill Park Rd) is the shed. If you make the left turn from that intersection down the hill, looping back around to the blue trail under the overlook, everything inside that loop is apparently state park land and therefore may be technically closed to bikes. But in practice, no one is going to hassle you for riding down the blue as far as Catoctin Hollow Rd, and there shouldn't be any hunters down there. But if you try to cross the road and ride the blue into the Manor area of Cunningham Falls and beyond to Houck, you will prolly have to answer to the man indeed.

Here's the map:



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
From the maps it looks like the boundary between the shed and Cunningham Falls SP is the ridge trail that comes out of the Salamander trail and crosses the blue just west of the Thurmont overlook. If you follow that ridge trail south, parallel to the east end of Gambrill Park Rd, past a few trail intersections, through the rockfields to the T-intersection, everything to the east (towards 15) is CFSP. Everything to the west (towards Gambrill Park Rd) is the shed. If you make the left turn from that intersection down the hill, looping back around to the blue trail under the overlook, everything inside that loop is apparently state park land and therefore may be technically closed to bikes. But in practice, no one is going to hassle you for riding down the blue as far as Catoctin Hollow Rd, and there shouldn't be any hunters down there. But if you try to cross the road and ride the blue into the Manor area of Cunningham Falls and beyond to Houck, you will prolly have to answer to the man indeed.

Here's the map:


That is all quite correct save one point- hunters do hunt in the area of Cunningham Falls between the RTE 15 Overlook and Catoctin Hollow Road. I have ridden even during bow season on a Saturday and come across- to my complete surprise- hunters in that area who park along Catoctin Hollow(illegally), RTE 15 or Baugher Road and hiked up the hill. Most of the time you don't even realize they are there until one makes a slight, deliberate noise to alert you to his presence. In fact, the trout stream that runs along Catoctin Hollow in Cunningham Falls is within the bounds of a private huntin'/fishin' club that separates the private from the park land. Hunters are often particularly plentiful along the route of the steep "closed" trail that connects the Catoctin Trail with Baugher Road. Most are pretty cool guys quick to offer a friendly nod, but I have run across the inebriated, law-breakin' and people-proximity firearm-dischargin' brand that should be avoided at all costs.