Ok, my slider+'s out of the box felt magic then they got all sticky. I sent them away a week ago and they came back feeling much better but they have stiffed up a little since then(pb like any fork after a service) but I ain't getting much small bump absorbion. I though I would check the oil height cause I was having to run 50+psi to avoid teh clunk and when I opened them up there is like no oil in them now! The oil height is like a foot into the stanchion! Now my forks are working alot better but, when I get emails from manitou stating the oil height shoudl be 4.25inch from the top of the fork fully extended and then once I send it in and get a fork that has totally different figures I am a bit concerned. Atm my shermans are the best hucking fork as they are soo smooth once you get a large enough hit but I race DH and this is far from waht I am looking for!