I suppose it could just be dirty, but what sounds like is happening is that the ratcheting finger has worn down or chiped off no longer engaging causing it to just glide over the teeth and not shift. You proboly have to buy a new one.
Originally posted by Joe33 I suppose it could just be dirty, but what sounds like is happening is that the ratcheting finger has worn down or chiped off no longer engaging causing it to just glide over the teeth and not shift.
That's what I was thinking. It couldn't hurt to clean it though. Try the WD-40 method. Barnett's has basic disassembly instructions for cleaning too. http://www.d.umn.edu/~schm1119/bike/Chapter30.pdf
Originally posted by Joe33 I suppose it could just be dirty, but what sounds like is happening is that the ratcheting finger has worn down or chiped off no longer engaging causing it to just glide over the teeth and not shift. You proboly have to buy a new one.
Yeah, this is a possiblity. Have you used the shifter for a long time, and in high-grit situations (nasty mud)?
You can disassemble the shifters (very carefully!!!) and clean them with a toolbrush and rubbing alcohol. Inspect, then dry and reassemble.
Next, remove the cable from the housing. Use your fingers to grip and pull/offer resistance to the cable as you cycle through the shifting. If it works fine, then it may be old housing or a worn-out rr. der. spring.
Originally posted by BikeGeek That's what I was thinking. It couldn't hurt to clean it though. Try the WD-40 method. Barnett's has basic disassembly instructions for cleaning too. http://www.d.umn.edu/~schm1119/bike/Chapter30.pdf
I just had a similar problem with my deore shifter, it would take two clicks up and one down to move from a smaller cog to a larger. I thought it was the shifter so I bought a new one and it turned out to be the cable housing had worn. I have a 2 year old deore shifter I'll give you if you need it. PM me if you're interested.
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