
Shim bolt on DHX constantly coming loose - any ideas?

Hullo there.

So today after a few hours of shuttles the shim retaining bolt at the end of the shaft came loose, causing mass play and general upside down smiles from myself and others.

This isn't the first time it's happened. I've always been instructed to do the bolt up 'snugly'... Is my idea of snug different to everyone else's? Pussy arms?

So this evening I stripped it down again, and cranked the **** out of it, using a shifter on the eyelet and a socket on the bolt. I'm yet to ride it, but is there anyone else much more knowledgeable that could point me to the cause?

Thanks in advance.


RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
Yeah, the bolt has to be tight not snug. I've never had it happen before on any DHX that I've rebuilt, so you must just be doing something wrong. :)