
Shimano Mineral oil


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
I am getting some maguras soon, and I wonder about their "Mineral oil brake fluid" Is this the same mineral oil that you can buy at any pharmacy? Also, my lbs says you can use DOT 3 or 4 in Mag's without harming them. Has anyone tried this??? Best bet is to bleed them with a shimano kit. :help:


Oct 1, 2001
Cary, NC
ioscope said:
Is this the same mineral oil that you can buy at any pharmacy?
:nope: No! Absolutely not. The official stuff is synthetic and contains the right stuff to keep the seals lubricated. Anything else maybe too thick or too thin or gum up the seals.

ioscope said:
Also, my lbs says you can use DOT 3 or 4 in Mag's without harming them.
Never take your Maguras to this LBS! They have no idea what they are talking about. Check out the Magura Cult Website for the good word:


You can also email questions direct to the great guys at Magura:


The newest fluid is the Magura "Royal" blue blood is only $10-$15 or so for a pint (lifetime supply). You get a 2 oz. bottle with the bleed kit (which you DO need) but that may not be enough. You can get it direct from Magura, talk to Jimi.

-B- said:
you dont need a bleed kit lay the bike on the side so as the brake you want to bleed the fitting is facing up let gravity do the job and just to it off.
Ummm, yeah. :rolleyes: Don't do that.