
Shipping from AZ to Bulgaria $1200...for a BIKE FRAME?!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 12, 2006
The smallest box U can manage. Strip entire frame apart! That will for sure help.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Yup, USPS is generally WAY cheaper shipping stuff like that overseas. Shouldn't be more than a couple hundred.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
They're going broke (same as Canada post) because they pay mail carriers absurd amounts of money to deliver flyer crap to your front door that email can also do for free.

Pull the swingarm off too and fold it into the frame. Make sure you put something between the rear dropouts to prevent them from being pressed together.

alpine slug

Jun 10, 2011
They're going broke (same as Canada post) because they pay mail carriers absurd amounts of money to deliver flyer crap to your front door that email can also do for free.
Wow. I'm hoping that's supposed to be sarcasm, but is just not sarcastic and not funny.

USPS is going broke because it's run by corporate people who emphasize image and packaging over service.

It has nothing to do with snail mail being worse than email. It has to do with ridiculous rule-bound delivery of services, too many employees doing nothing of value, and as I said... excess expense on image, packaging, and other crap.

Stick to bad writing about "freeride," genius.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
Lie on the size and weight and drop it off at a "friendly" post-office- one you keep supplied with beer. Beer solves most bureaucratic issues.
The people at the desk are the gatekeepers- sometimes you can distract them. Try dropping it off at the package door in the PObox area as well.
Ring the bell, walk away.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2006
fedex slow boat was $400 to ship a frame to australia from colorado 2 months ago.

i pulled the rear triangle off the main pivot and stacked them to make the box much, much smaller.


Jul 21, 2004
Wow. I'm hoping that's supposed to be sarcasm, but is just not sarcastic and not funny.

USPS is going broke because it's run by corporate people who emphasize image and packaging over service.

It has nothing to do with snail mail being worse than email. It has to do with ridiculous rule-bound delivery of services, too many employees doing nothing of value, and as I said... excess expense on image, packaging, and other crap.

Stick to bad writing about "freeride," genius.
hey 'genius', when calling out someone else, make sure your facts aren't half-a$$ed. the reality of the USPS situation has been documented with real numbers by intelligent people whose job it is to assess these kinds of things. Congress mandates that USPS serve all areas, including remote rural areas; if USPS were an unconstrained business they'd have closed many of those branches down years ago. Huge financial drag for them. And the other fact that isn't really possible to argue against is that the bulk of usps revenue comes from general mail, including junk mail, and that volume has been decreasing as ad dollars increasingly are spent on online advertising...combined with the fact that personal letter volumes are way down due to email, FB etc.

Marketing costs per revenue dollar for USPS are certainly no higher than UPS or Fedex. Not sure where you're coming from there.

Hope this helps, genius.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
Wow. I'm hoping that's supposed to be sarcasm, but is just not sarcastic and not funny.

USPS is going broke because it's run by corporate people who emphasize image and packaging over service.

It has nothing to do with snail mail being worse than email. It has to do with ridiculous rule-bound delivery of services, too many employees doing nothing of value, and as I said... excess expense on image, packaging, and other crap.

Stick to bad writing about "freeride," genius.
hey Thanks for coming out! Shame you lost this round so badly!

Most Post offices pay workers salaries far above what they actually deserve. I know in Canada, carriers are making 40k easily, which is kind of ridiculous considering the job. Meanwhile companies are realizing that more and more people are receiving updates and advertising electronically, and are ceasing mail outs (flyers, catalogues, etc) which cuts heavily into said companies advertising budgets with little measurable payback. Combine the rising costs of business and delivery, and you have a failing company. In this case, the post office.

Not sure what you were on about to be honest, but please, do carry on with nonsensical ranting forum posts, genius.


Not long enough
You cant force upon society a "living wage".It's called socialism.It dosent work.Never has ,Never will.I dosent,period.
Our system of capitalism isn't working either,because we've accepted too much socialism AND CRONY capitalism.
I've been self employed for 15 years,some projects,I've made mistakes and end up working for $2.50 per hr.I didn't make YOU pay for that,or have a union cover my incompetent ass and demand to the customer that they need to pay me a "living wage"regardless.
Try starting and running a business from scratch,no money,no fancy diploma,no resources.Then come back and tell me where wages come from.

alpine slug

Jun 10, 2011
hey 'genius', when calling out someone else, make sure your facts aren't half-a$$ed. the reality of the USPS situation has been documented with real numbers by intelligent people whose job it is to assess these kinds of things. Congress mandates that USPS serve all areas, including remote rural areas; if USPS were an unconstrained business they'd have closed many of those branches down years ago. Huge financial drag for them. And the other fact that isn't really possible to argue against is that the bulk of usps revenue comes from general mail, including junk mail, and that volume has been decreasing as ad dollars increasingly are spent on online advertising...combined with the fact that personal letter volumes are way down due to email, FB etc.

Marketing costs per revenue dollar for USPS are certainly no higher than UPS or Fedex. Not sure where you're coming from there.

Hope this helps, genius.
"documented facts"?

hah hah hah hah.

You don't know much about how advocacy works, do you? Each side has different "documented facts" that usually are diametrically (completely) opposite.

Each side says its facts are indisputable.

How did each side get indisputable facts?


"Consultants" are paid to manufacture facts, or massage agreed-upon facts, to fit a perspective.

The US Postal Service has spent more money on image retooling, fancy machines to vend stamps, fancy alternative stamp designs, excess nonsense at the PO to entertain children while parents wait in line, etc. None of these things has anything to do with the simple function of taking a package or letter and delivering it where the sender designates. They're all ancillary functions designed to "add value" to the "enterprise" from a corporate marketer's perspective.

Then there's the fiasco of sponsoring a cycling team. As if that has anything to do with delivery of mail.

If the USPS focused solely on efficient delivery of packages and letters and dumped the image focus, the ancillary accoutrements, and the surplus of apathetic employees who hate their boring job waiting at counters and delivering spiels about rules and regulations for packages...

...they would not be in the quandary they are now: the quandary of facing competitors who do better.

I'm not sure what the bulk of your "argument" quoted above is trying to put across. You talk about marketing-per-dollar, etc as if it matters. We may as well discuss how the cost of growing mandarin oranges is rising... and how that supposedly affects the cost of making bicycle tires.

You're probably not old enough to have watched the US Postal Service go through many changes which did not have anything to do with how it delivers mail. Or if you are old enough, maybe you haven't paid attention, or aren't good at discerning what changes are happening.

The USPS has changed its "logo" and "image" 4 times in my lifetime. Each time they have to spend money on the paint schemes of mail delivery trucks, the "advertisements" used (which aren't even necessary), the uniforms worn, etc. Meanwhile UPS and FedEx and DHS have used the same logo etc in the same time period(s).

Making a Post Office look like a mini-shopping-mall is another thing they've done. Useless. Unnecessary.

And the typical bureaucratic problem remains: lots of employees doing nothing, and doing it in a surly, disconnected, apathetic way.

How do you spell fiscal waste?

USPS, that's how.
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Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
First of all. Holy sh*t. 50/hour is insane.

Second of all you are all retarded. The train the post office is in trouble if because the of the postal service accountability and enhancement act. Read about it here. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_Regulatory_Commission#Changes_under_the_.5Bhttp:.2F.2Fthomas.loc.gov.2Fcgi-bin.2Fbdquery.2FD.3Fd109:1:..2Ftemp.2F.7EbdQtxw::.7C.2Fhome.2FLegislativeData.php.3Fn.3DBSS.3Bc.3D109.7C_Postal_Accountability_and_Enhancement_Act_of_2006_-_H.R._6407.5D

Stop talking about things you don't know about.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
You cant force upon society a "living wage".It's called socialism.It dosent work.Never has ,Never will.I dosent,period.
Our system of capitalism isn't working either,because we've accepted too much socialism AND CRONY capitalism.
I've been self employed for 15 years,some projects,I've made mistakes and end up working for $2.50 per hr.I didn't make YOU pay for that,or have a union cover my incompetent ass and demand to the customer that they need to pay me a "living wage"regardless.
Try starting and running a business from scratch,no money,no fancy diploma,no resources.Then come back and tell me where wages come from.
You can't force that because it's call socialism? What if I call it bacon? Also about doesn't work part - have you ever heard of this place yurp? Or one of those places where chicago school macronomic experemints were implemented? Iceland, Argentina, Chille? Yeah too much socialism works.

btw. Even if you don't give a damn about other people other people well being should be in your best interest unless you want to live in a place like RSA, Brasil or Mexico. I'm seriously considering getting into turism with my first offer being "The Panorama of free market sucess". First 5 customers get a free bag of rape.


Not long enough
You can't force that because it's call socialism? What if I call it bacon? Also about doesn't work part - have you ever heard of this place yurp? Or one of those places where chicago school macronomic experemints were implemented? Iceland, Argentina, Chille? Yeah too much socialism works.

btw. Even if you don't give a damn about other people other people well being should be in your best interest unless you want to live in a place like RSA, Brasil or Mexico. I'm seriously considering getting into turism with my first offer being "The Panorama of free market sucess". First 5 customers get a free bag of rape.
I would reply but I really can't understand a damn thing you are saying with your lack of punctuation spelling run on sentences and not being able to hang on to a cohesive thought just like this.
1.Never said "because"it's socialism
2.Like a typical progressive,you make the idiot jump from "if you don't want socialism,you hate all other human beings and the planet"..whaaa...boo hoo.Capitalism's hope that it providesmhas brought more people out of poverty,saved more human lives from destitution and encouraged humans' innate drive to provide for ones self and family than any other single thing.
3.Let's make the minimum wage $20.00 per hr.Do you still have a job where you work?I know I can't afford you,even if you can do everything I can do,so I can stay home with my feet up.How about $40.00 per hr?How expensive are those burgers that you're flipping?$50.00per hr? 6 weeks vacation?Medical and Dental?Sick leave?Paternity leave?Sabbatical ?35 hr week? WHO'S GONNA PROVIDE YOU WITH A FVCKING JOB!YOU IGNORANT DOLT?!!!Goddamn child-like mindset for 80%of you.I'm so sick of entitled little bitches everywhere.YOU get off your ass and invent something,jump through all the govt regulation,hire people,take the biggest financial risk of your life ,where you could lose EVERYTHING,then give the corrupt,incompetent government 55%of everything you've made.When YOU'VE done THAT.Come back and tell me about your great ideas about wealth distribution.Idiot.

Uncle Cliffy

Turbo Monkey
Jan 28, 2008
Southern Oregon
I would reply but I really can't understand a damn thing you are saying with your lack of punctuation spelling run on sentences and not being able to hang on to a cohesive thought just like this.
1.Never said "because"it's socialism
2.Like a typical progressive,you make the idiot jump from "if you don't want socialism,you hate all other human beings and the planet"..whaaa...boo hoo.Capitalism's hope that it providesmhas brought more people out of poverty,saved more human lives from destitution and encouraged humans' innate drive to provide for ones self and family than any other single thing.
3.Let's make the minimum wage $20.00 per hr.Do you still have a job where you work?I know I can't afford you,even if you can do everything I can do,so I can stay home with my feet up.How about $40.00 per hr?How expensive are those burgers that you're flipping?$50.00per hr? 6 weeks vacation?Medical and Dental?Sick leave?Paternity leave?Sabbatical ?35 hr week? WHO'S GONNA PROVIDE YOU WITH A FVCKING JOB!YOU IGNORANT DOLT?!!!Goddamn child-like mindset for 80%of you.I'm so sick of entitled little bitches everywhere.YOU get off your ass and invent something,jump through all the govt regulation,hire people,take the biggest financial risk of your life ,where you could lose EVERYTHING,then give the corrupt,incompetent government 55%of everything you've made.When YOU'VE done THAT.Come back and tell me about your great ideas about wealth distribution.Idiot.


May 11, 2008
Scottsdale, AZ
Aside from all craziness in this thread, I recently shipped a frame from Phoenix to the UK and it was about $110 through USPS. Both FedEx and UPS were crazy.


RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
Aside from all craziness in this thread, I recently shipped a frame from Phoenix to the UK and it was about $110 through USPS. Both FedEx and UPS were crazy.
Hawaii to Brazil was about $95 if I remember correct...for a frame, in a golf bag box.
You're not contributing anything to the fight at hand. Either get involved, or spectate like the rest of us. :D


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I would reply but I really can't understand a damn thing you are saying with your lack of punctuation spelling run on sentences and not being able to hang on to a cohesive thought just like this.
1.Never said "because"it's socialism
2.Like a typical progressive,you make the idiot jump from "if you don't want socialism,you hate all other human beings and the planet"..whaaa...boo hoo.Capitalism's hope that it providesmhas brought more people out of poverty,saved more human lives from destitution and encouraged humans' innate drive to provide for ones self and family than any other single thing.
3.Let's make the minimum wage $20.00 per hr.Do you still have a job where you work?I know I can't afford you,even if you can do everything I can do,so I can stay home with my feet up.How about $40.00 per hr?How expensive are those burgers that you're flipping?$50.00per hr? 6 weeks vacation?Medical and Dental?Sick leave?Paternity leave?Sabbatical ?35 hr week? WHO'S GONNA PROVIDE YOU WITH A FVCKING JOB!YOU IGNORANT DOLT?!!!Goddamn child-like mindset for 80%of you.I'm so sick of entitled little bitches everywhere.YOU get off your ass and invent something,jump through all the govt regulation,hire people,take the biggest financial risk of your life ,where you could lose EVERYTHING,then give the corrupt,incompetent government 55%of everything you've made.When YOU'VE done THAT.Come back and tell me about your great ideas about wealth distribution.Idiot.
I'm not really a 100% socialism guy. I just find it funny inteligent people can still belive that we either need super pure socialism or like in your case more free market capitalism. It has been tried in both cases and in both of them it didn't work. So stop behaving like a high school idealist.

As for your minimal wage rant - look at Germany. Somehow they have a huge trade surplus and don't have to oursource all their production. Not to mention. I still agree that the Rich feel the taxes the least. Not being able to buy a ferrari isn't really worse than not being able to eat healthy(which in turns raises your medicare costs or whatever it's called in the us)

To be on topic: Anything sent by boat takes a lot of time but is cheap. 300$ as mentioned in the thread seems high. I remember prices as low as 150$ for a frame(sent to Poland but that shouldn't be that much of a differance) but that was a while ago.
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Not long enough
yeah, I got too heated.It was my 2nd political debate of the the day,and I had enough.If you had any Idea of the amount of hours over the last 23 years that I've put towards understanding political history,history and how economics work,not because I'm told to believe any one thing,but because I'm truly interested in it.If you knew me ,you would never refer to me as an idealist.
I vote for maximum freedom and personal responsibility.It's not always easy,there are negatives to it,It's difficult and a lot of people would rather hand over the hard stuff to a 2nd party.I think in general,that is worth more to me than trading it for security and comfort.Thats where I am.My eyes are open.