
Shooting w/ my new lens (niece photos)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
so i got the 50mm prime lens in the other day...and my brothers' family came over w/ his six month old, so i figured i would see if i could get any good shots w/ the compliant subject (my kids don't sit still long enough).


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Nice shots. I love the first one. Enjoying the lens?

Makes the viewfinder pretty bright, eh? I couldn't believe the difference the first time I slapped a big aperture lens on an SLR.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
yeah, so far so good. i am not sold on the autofocus capabilities of the lens; as i had heard, the mech is noisy and hunts around...sometimes manual focus seems to be the best bet.

but i am having fun w/ it nonetheless, and for $80 it's very short $ for a nice lens.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
so you like the prime? I am toying around with getting one for my canon, at about $75 you cant really go wrong. I think your shots just sold me they are :thumb:.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
manhattanprjkt83 said:
so you like the prime? I am toying around with getting one for my canon, at about $75 you cant really go wrong. I think your shots just sold me they are :thumb:.
it's my first foray into Prime lenses, where you need to use 'foot zoom' :D

but so far so good; i took some outside shots as well:


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
It's really amazing how much a good lens causes the images to "pop". A combination of the sharpness, the shallower depth of field, and the nice defocused elements...

Not that a good lens makes a good photographer, of course, but even average pictures look so much nicer.

Nice glass is like crack :drool:

narlus said:
it's my first foray into Prime lenses, where you need to use 'foot zoom' :D
Someone I talked to called it a "u-zoom", as in, "U want zoom? U walk."


Turbo Monkey
Apr 12, 2004
Durham, NC
Very nice pics.

I guess it's all the threads and posts by the SB kids, but I really didn't expect to see pictures of your niece-just figured it was nice spelled incorrectly:p


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
On my canon slr, I have only 2 lenses, one of which is a 50/1.8. I use that one whenever possible. As for build quality and looks it seems a bit cheap but based on my photos and all the research I've done, it's basically the best value lens in existence.


Aug 18, 2003
San Francisco
my set up:

Canon 20D
5omm F1.8
18-55 EFS USM
70-200 F4 L
580 Speedlite

what I like best with the 50 is being able to get shots like these in low light..


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
narlus said:
how'd you get it so crisp, and not have the rider blurred?
High ISO + f/1.8 would give you a pretty fast shutter speed, considering that there's some pretty strong light coming from the right. Downsized to this web size, the high ISO noise would barely show, especially if it were cleaned up.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
narlus said:
yeah, i keep forgetting that i'm not restricted to my ISO max of 400 from the G2.

i gots lots to learn!
Plus, that ISO 400 of your G2 would give you an almost unusable amount of noise. ISO 400 on your XT will give you a nice clean image that would respond very well to a noise cleanup from a program like Noise Ninja or Photoshop.


Nam I am
Narlus , I know this isn't the fast glass, but you had asked about my Tamron 75-300 Zoom.

here are a couple of shots I took with it this fall of Pop warner football. I took both of these from about 30 - 40 yards away. acording the the EXIF they were shaot at ISO 400 1/1999 th of a sec f 5.6 and between 200 and 250 MM

the 2nd on I took with a 6 Point Star filter on it. His parents really liked that one and were having it printed into an 11x14



Aug 18, 2003
San Francisco
binary visions said:
High ISO + f/1.8 would give you a pretty fast shutter speed, considering that there's some pretty strong light coming from the right. Downsized to this web size, the high ISO noise would barely show, especially if it were cleaned up.

-that's pretty much it on the head; late afternoon light at 400 with the aperture opened up. The shutter speed was fast; 1/650 I think.

Actually I just checked my original. I'm mistaken, I shot that with my 18-55USM lens at f/4.5 (sorry) The 20D is pretty good at ISO 400 though, not too much noise.

The 50mm is a sweet lens though. Awesome for portraits especially. A must buy, considering the price.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Dang you. I have too many hobbies as it is. Now I want to get into/learn photography, too. :mumble:

Your new lens is the harbinger of my financial doom.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
50 1.8 is cheap, $70. Of course the cameras to go with it are money...and then the L lenses after you get addicted are ridiculous.

I'm broke. 10d, 1d mk2, 70-200, 300, 17-40, 50. 3 flashes, pocket wizards etc. Help!

L hurts.


Aug 18, 2003
San Francisco
Transcend said:
50 1.8 is cheap, $70. Of course the cameras to go with it are money...and then the L lenses after you get addicted are ridiculous.

I'm broke. 10d, 1d mk2, 70-200, 300, 17-40, 50. 3 flashes, pocket wizards etc. Help!

L hurts.
I feel your pain brother! I sold one of my bikes to buy my first "L" lens (the cheap one) and flash. I almost splurged for the pocket wizards, but I made myself wait a little longer. At least I had a little willpower. For now....

L hurts! (isn't that a song?))


Mar 14, 2005
great shots... beautiful kid too!!!

i am interested in learning mnore about photography. I have a point -n-n shoot but would eventually like to upgrade. any sites that you guys could recommend so that i can do some research?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Second vote for dpreview. Excellent resource. Their indepth reviews are excellent.
But their forums need to be taken with a huge grain of salt. There are endless Canon vs. Nikon wars in there and a lot of people who do nothing but blow up pictures to 200% and analyze the pixels.

It's worse than DH forum discussions on tires and suspension designs :blah:

Not that there isn't a lot to be learned in the forums there, but don't get sucked into doubting or making purchasing decisions based some guy's indication that the resolution of one lens is 2.386% better than anoher, or these fools that suggest that one brand is, bar-none, better than another brand.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
But their forums need to be taken with a huge grain of salt. There are endless Canon vs. Nikon wars in there and a lot of people who do nothing but blow up pictures to 200% and analyze the pixels.
I can't recommend their forums. Then again, any time you put a bunch of geeks together in an internet forum.......... :rolleyes: