
short riddin trip to So-Cal


Mar 25, 2007
hi ,
this is pretty much still a "what if " kindda plan , but could fast become a real trip.
what if i planned to fly down to San Diego whit ridding gear and bike under my arm for a 2-3 day of ridding , what would be the best places to focus on ?
-i could bring my Trance X for agressive XC rides , i'm used to ride AM style rides for hours and i dont mind a good climb
-i could bring my Reign X for agressive AM to DH ridding.

to be honest , would prefer to ride my Reign X (whit DHX coil and 66 up front)
and focus on fast DH type trails , even if it means hard climbs and push power.
basically , i want to have fun in nice weather (being from Montreal ,Canada)
the warmer the better ! ,
i know there is a lot of ridding in that region and i have shearched as much as i could on the web.
i would appreciate local input.
i would fly in to San Diego and rent a vehicule , i dont mind driving to much but since the trip is going to be short , i'd ratter keep it close.

also , bike shops near good spots are great to get info on local trails and all , so if anyone works there let me know



Mar 25, 2007
thanks guys ,
troubbledone , i'll send you a PM.
what about the weather in the San Diego region ? , it looks like sunny and warm but is it what i can expect for the next weeks ?
any input is welcome