
Shot Bloks?

What do you think of Shot Bloks?

  • Like eating a gummi bear

    Votes: 14 50.0%
  • Unnatural

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Wouldn't eat it

    Votes: 8 28.6%

  • Total voters

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
I have tried them and like them alot for those longer rides, when you need to replace what your sweating out. Sometimes I just can't eat a bar on a long ride but these offer an easy to get down pick me up. I also like the Jelly Belly sports beans for the same reason.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
reflux said:
A good substitute for anyone who can't stomach gels. Otherwise, just eat a gel and be done with it.
Gels repulse me. I just can't do it. I hate the texture and the flavor, I can't get one down without gagging, and they usually just don't sit well in my tummy. I absolutely love jelly beans and gummi things though so I was very happy when the blocks and beans hit the market!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I have a cast iron stomach when it comes to riding food: clif bars, power bars, gels of all kinds, cytomax, and now bloks are all in my cupboard.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
DH Diva said:
Gels repulse me. I just can't do it. I hate the texture and the flavor, I can't get one down without gagging, and they usually just don't sit well in my tummy. I absolutely love jelly beans and gummi things though so I was very happy when the blocks and beans hit the market!
Neato, a friend of mine says the exact same. Question though, do you eat regular, normal jelly beans on a ride?

I'm odd, I really like gels.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
reflux said:
Neato, a friend of mine says the exact same. Question though, do you eat regular, normal jelly beans on a ride?

I'm odd, I really like gels.
I don't eat regular candy on rides, but when the "replacement" candies came out (blocks and beans) it was like getting to eat candy on a ride. Can you tell I like candy?

I wouldn't eat straight sugar candy on a ride, but I tend to sweat out a lot of salt so the beans and blocks help out a lot. It's like getting to eat helpful candy!


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I like them (and gels) and find the blocks are easier to eat while riding. I just open the bag before I start, and can take a couple at a time or more whenever I want.

I am curious about how the content compares, but to actually check it out would be extreme for me.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Except when racing I find bananas to be the best energy food going. I've often headed out on road ride with 8 or so in my jersey pockets. Those things look just as inconvenient to open and eat as a banana, cost more and have a wrapper that is a litter problem.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
riverside73 said:
Gummi bears are more fun cause you can bite the heads off and stuff.

A savvy marketer would have realized this and made the blocks shaped like bikes or forest creatures or something. We should write a letter.

I have never tried them. I don't use recovery stuff much anymore because i'm never out long enough to warrant it. If I am I bring a PB&J. All that cliff stuff is so expensive.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
They are okay. The texture is good, and it's nice that they are not bulky like eating a bar, but there is a strange after taste to the lemon lime flavor:think:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
MudGrrl said:
There is a thread on a runner's forum about Clif Blocks...

they're apparently very good at extracting crowns.
especially if they're cold.

How do they hold up in your pack, say, in the summer? Do they melt?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Thanks, I might have to try them then. When I saw them in the store I thought they looked and felt like they would turn into a nasty puddle in my pack.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
I bought a case of the cran-razz a while back. I love 'em.

They taste kinda weird if you arent riding, but if your hungry and thirsty they go down really well and actually taste good.

The packaging is inconvenient to use while riding though. I usually save em for a stop on a long ride.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
How are the strawberry Bloks - thinking of trying them?

My stomach can't stand any solid bar type foods on rides. I've tried sharkies and they are pretty good, but still prefer gels. I occasionally get chocolate GU when its very cheap (and its easy to find), but Carb-BOOM is the gel of choice for me. All natural, good carb profile, and it goes down easy and comes in decent flavors. I've been using them for years - I remember when they use to only come in the apple sauce containers in apple only flavor (it had a chunkier texture and was thicker/more sticky.)

Years ago I use to get Hammergel, but its a pain in arse cause years ago you had to use the refillable containers only and its harder to find even now. I see they offer packets and more flavors - maybe I'll buy some next time I need energy product.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
syadasti said:
How are the strawberry Bloks - thinking of trying them?
The strawberry are the best I've had yet. CranRazz is my #2 favorite. I've tried lemonlime and it wasn't that good and the orange (which I tried because of the caffeine) was close to offensive.

When I have them, I usually suck on them while riding. 1 blok might take me 15 minutes to eat. Maybe have one or two in a ride, so a package lasts a few rides.

And yes, the packaging sucks. Any monkeys have an idea as to what might be better?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
syadasti said:
Carb-BOOM is the gel of choice for me. All natural, good carb profile, and it goes down easy and comes in decent flavors.
I recently tried those and am impressed. Tried the orange-vanilla and found it to actually taste good without being too syrupy/sticky.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
bluebug32 said:
the thing that's weird about them is they're actually 2 servings in a pack, so it's a lot to down all at once
I noticed that too, but I find it even easier to gobble 200 calories of Bloks than eating a Clif Bar or doing 2 shot of Gu...