I`am getting so pissed off at my insurance prices ( health mostly ) ,and also the job market for people who work in the manufacturing/constrution ,and all of the manual labor .I`ll bet about 30-40% of the work force here in cal are illegals ,with a fake SS number ,the fricking employer does not care cause he pays them less and does not even pay all of their taxes ,I think it`s about time for Bush to pull his head out of his chenny and take care of our front yard :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: ,it`s assholes like him who have huge companys who employ people who are here illegaly ,and they get aroud with a stupid loop hole in the law written by some other burocrat (sp?) who new it was a BS Law .where the respocibilty of knowing who`s an illegal or not is the responcibilty of the employer ,and of course the employer does not care cause he get`s cheap dispencable help ,I wish they would bring back the bounty for an Illegal hell I would round up so many