
should I get this checked out?


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
About 2 weeks ago i was out jumping and looped out on the final gap in our line. I landed about 6' to flat on my back and stayed on the ground for about 10 minutes wheezing.

When I got up, I could barely move my arms or my back. two days later I went to the Student health center, talked to a doctor, and she said it didn't seem like a spinal injury, to take ibuprofin, and gave me some muscle relaxers to help me sleep.

She said if it doesnt start to get better in the next week, come back.

Well, its been getting better, but its not gone. If I sit in a certain position it hurts, and it hurts when I wake up. its the upper right side of my back, and now my ribs are starting to hurt, probably from the way i've been holding myself.

Should I just wait for it to go away, or go see some type of specialist? what type of specialist would I go to?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
If you have health insurance, I'd get anything checked out that involved my head or my spine. Seems like two places that you don't want to screw around with.

You can ask the doc that you initially talked to for a referral to a specialist - a lot of specialists won't even see you without a referral, so that may be the best place to start.


BigMike said:
About 2 weeks ago i was out jumping and looped out on the final gap in our line. I landed about 6' to flat on my back and stayed on the ground for about 10 minutes wheezing.

When I got up, I could barely move my arms or my back. two days later I went to the Student health center, talked to a doctor, and she said it didn't seem like a spinal injury, to take ibuprofin, and gave me some muscle relaxers to help me sleep.

She said if it doesnt start to get better in the next week, come back.

Well, its been getting better, but its not gone. If I sit in a certain position it hurts, and it hurts when I wake up. its the upper right side of my back, and now my ribs are starting to hurt, probably from the way i've been holding myself.

Should I just wait for it to go away, or go see some type of specialist? what type of specialist would I go to?
My simple math gets me to thinking that given time elapsed and the bolded quote from the health center lady makes me think this is a waste of a thread.

Of course you should get it checked again.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
loco said:
My simple math gets me to thinking that given time elapsed and the bolded quote from the health center lady makes me think this is a waste of a thread.

Of course you should get it checked again.

but it has gotten better, its like 80% better. Now it just seems like it is just staying in one place.

Plus, I don't know what going back to student health will do, thats why i'm wondering what kind of specialist to go to. Would it be a chiropractor? orthopedist?


BigMike said:
but it has gotten better, its like 80% better. Now it just seems like it is just staying in one place.

Plus, I don't know what going back to student health will do, thats why i'm wondering what kind of specialist to go to. Would it be a chiropractor? orthopedist?
If you can get in to an ortho, I would. I couldn't get one years ago when I had a wreck and a chiropractor helped me get squared away. I would still get it checked out if it's not better. I have had back pain for a couple of weeks and I am thinking of going.


Feb 7, 2005
Not sure if they've gotten any better but we used to call it the "Student Death Center" if that tells you anything.

A freind had a similar fall recently and it turned out that he broke a facet off of one of his vertebrae. They're going in to remove a bone chip next week.
He's getting out of the sport.

Probably want to get to your family dr. at the very least so he can figure out which specialist to send you to.

Cracks me up how many people look for serious injury diagnosis on RM.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Qman said:
Cracks me up how many people look for serious injury diagnosis on RM.
I don't think he was looking for injury diagnosis, just confirmation of whether or not he was being a wimp and should suck it up, or if he should be concerned.


And we determined that he should only be concerned with the lifelong health issue if he has insurance.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
These medical questions seem like a no-brainer, but I have seen both sides of it.
Last December, I started having ridiculous stomach cramps for almost a week. I went to the Dr., he gave me antibiotics, and set me up for two CT scans. Total bill was like $3400 or something.
I ended up having bacteria from some bad food, and the antibiotics knocked it out quickly. The CT's were clear, and even after my insurance paid, I have a bill sitting on my desk for $1250 that I don't have.:mumble: Oh well.

Is it your back that hurts or is it your ribs/muscles around your ribs.
I bruised my ribs one time, and it took a gazillion months for the pain to go all the way away.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
binary visions said:
I don't think he was looking for injury diagnosis, just confirmation of whether or not he was being a wimp and should suck it up, or if he should be concerned.

Right......more or less :)

Jeremy, I've bruised ribs before too, and it sucks. This is not the feeling of bruised ribs, more of just an "ache" around them. not too worried about that, its my upper back I am considering getting checked out.

Guess i'll call up to my orthopedist and see if I can get in. I have some stuff to ask him about my knee anyway!

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
BigMike said:
Right......more or less :)

Jeremy, I've bruised ribs before too, and it sucks. This is not the feeling of bruised ribs, more of just an "ache" around them. not too worried about that, its my upper back I am considering getting checked out.

Guess i'll call up to my orthopedist and see if I can get in. I have some stuff to ask him about my knee anyway!
Ooh yeah, I have never screwed up my upper back.
Good luck at the ortho.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
binary visions said:
If you have health insurance, I'd get anything checked out that involved my head or my spine. Seems like two places that you don't want to screw around with.

You can ask the doc that you initially talked to for a referral to a specialist - a lot of specialists won't even see you without a referral, so that may be the best place to start.
:stupid: Good luck!


Feb 7, 2005
binary visions said:
I don't think he was looking for injury diagnosis, just confirmation of whether or not he was being a wimp and should suck it up, or if he should be concerned.
That's not the message I got but still, logic would say go to the doctor first and discuss the outcome here.
But that's just me talking here.
By all means get some "good" info here, then go to the Dr. and say, "All my friends on Ride Monkey think it's (insert ailment here) so can you just give me some pills or something and we'll call it good?"

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Qman said:
That's not the message I got
I see.
BigMike said:
Should I just wait for it to go away, or go see some type of specialist?
What other kind of message do you get from that?

By all means get some "good" info here, then go to the Dr. and say, "All my friends on Ride Monkey think it's (insert ailment here) so can you just give me some pills or something and we'll call it good?"
I'm looking, and looking, and just don't see any suggestions as to what his problem is or what he should do about it.

Funny. Must be my computer.

Good luck with the injury, Mike - let us know how it turns out :thumb:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Jeremy R said:
These medical questions seem like a no-brainer, but I have seen both sides of it.
Last December, I started having ridiculous stomach cramps for almost a week. I went to the Dr., he gave me antibiotics, and set me up for two CT scans. Total bill was like $3400 or something.
I ended up having bacteria from some bad food, and the antibiotics knocked it out quickly. The CT's were clear, and even after my insurance paid, I have a bill sitting on my desk for $1250 that I don't have.:mumble: Oh well.
And what is it you do again? If I didn't know you I'd call it poetic justice but since I do that pretty much sucks.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
DRB said:
And what is it you do again? If I didn't know you I'd call it poetic justice but since I do that pretty much sucks.
Yeah, my insurance paid out exactly what it was supposed to.
A $750 deductible, plus my 80/20 coinsurance.
This happened in December and I had not been to the Dr. all year, so it was my whole deductible.
The system is a scam though. The hospital trumps up the charges to a ridiculous amount, so when the insurance network discounts kick in,
it is still super high. We just talked to a guy who is head over a huge network that has recently pulled out of our hospital system.
He said we basically could go to Duke Medical Center for way cheaper than they are charging, but they have no competition here.
So when that network pulled out, it left 9100 people without a local hospital on their insurance. Nice system we have here.:bomb:


Feb 7, 2005
binary visions said:
What other kind of message do you get from that?
Same message I already mentioned. He is having chronic pain from an injury and is looking for suggestions on which specialist to see with a brief description of the problem. So we'd have to diagnose to some degree to suggest the right specialist.

binary visions said:
I'm looking, and looking, and just don't see any suggestions as to what his problem is or what he should do about it.
Keep looking. This thread is full of suggestions as to what his problem is and what he should do about it.

binary visions said:
Funny. Must be my computer.
Time for a new one? What's more funny is this:
binary visions said:
If you have health insurance, I'd get anything checked out that involved my head or my spine.
So you're saying that head or spine pain/injury is a big deal to have looked at but only if you have insurance.

binary visions said:
Good luck with the injury, Mike - let us know how it turns out :thumb:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Wow, didn't mean to cause an uproar here!

I was just wondering who I should go to for an upper back injury. I've never had to deal with it before, and figured someone here would have.