
Should new immigrants avoid assimilation?


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Interesting article -

What do you all think it implies about US Culture?

March 8, 2005, 2:16PM
Hispanic teen sex study puzzling
Increased use of new language seems to lead to a much higher level of activity
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

As Hispanic teens shed the language of their native countries and immerse themselves in American culture, they become dramatically more sexually active, a new study shows.

A review of 7,300 Arizona teenagers' behavior, which should translate well to other states that border Mexico, including Texas, found that 31 percent of Hispanic teens who speak primarily English have had sex, more than twice the percentage of those who speak primarily Spanish, 14 percent.

The key question — why? — remains unanswered.

"I wish I knew," said the study's lead author, Dr. Mary Adam, a pediatrics researcher at the University of Arizona's College of Medicine. "This is certainly something we are continuing to explore."

The study, published in this month's Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, adds evidence to the so-called healthy immigrant paradox, that Hispanics coming to the United States are healthier than second- and third-generation U.S. residents from the same countries.

Various research has found that less-Americanized Hispanic children have healthier diets, better immunization rates, fewer suicide attempts, and decreased use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs than more Americanized adolescents.

"The study certainly speaks to some of the risks we face in everyday life here," said Katharine Donato, a sociologist at Rice University who studies ethnic health disparities. "But I wouldn't quite say it's an indictment of our culture."

Some researchers have attributed the importance of family in Hispanic culture, and the high regard for parental roles, as playing a part in protecting health, as well as the social support from a large family. But there is not a broad consensus yet in the medical and sociological communities studying these questions.

A better understanding of the beneficial aspects of Hispanic culture, and the healthy components of U.S. culture could generate new approaches to address a host of public health issues, from obesity to smoking, said Dr. Glenn Flores, a pediatrician at the Medical College of Wisconsin, in an editorial that accompanied the research article.

"The discovery of a single unifying intervention that could reduce or prevent some or all of these conditions would be hailed as one of the greatest accomplishments of modern medicine," he wrote.

Dr. Peggy Smith, a professor at Baylor College of Medicine and director of Ben Taub Hospital's Teen Health Clinic, said the trends in the study follow what she has observed.

Smith says as Hispanic girls become more immersed in U.S. culture, if they are unmarried when they become pregnant, they tend to be far less inclined to marry before or soon after the child is born.

That means the children are being raised in single-parent homes, which has financial ramifications, and studies have clearly shown that opportunities and outcomes for such children are far lower than compared to two-parent families, Smith said.

Smith believes she knows at least partly why Hispanic adolescents become more sexually active after living in the United States.

Hispanic children who come to this country become immersed in a culture that is more permissive about sex, Smith said — chaperones are not uncommon on dates in Mexico. Beyond that, because of an increasing focus on abstinence, there is less information available about birth control than in most other industrialized countries.

"As a culture, we have problems with openly discussing the whens and ifs of sex with our children," Smith said. "This is one of the outcomes of that."


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
American....the language of pre-marital teen sex?

I'm going to go out on a limb here with a theory that may or may not hold water:

I grew up around quite a few Latinos and more often than not they were the only ones in their family that spoke fluent English. This tended to do two things. The parents either kept them close and used them as a translator and spokesperson in many cases or the cultural divide became too much and the relationship between the parents and child suffered. As that divide increased so did the teenager's dependency on friends from school and quite often, gangs. Not for everyone, but I know a high number of kids in my neighborhood were involved in gangs. With that came all the risky activities of sex, drugs, violence, and illegal activities. I heard plenty of stories from friends about girls and drugs and fights. How many were true I'm not sure, but I have a feeling you could use this to help explain that link of language and sex. This was also in Southern California, so it may be different than Arizona.

I have some other ideas, but I don't really know enough about Latino family life in Mexico to say. All I know is that parents of my friends often complained about things being less strict over here and children feeling less obligated to religious traditions(I went to a Catholic school).

The Ito


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
gee, it looks like "conservatism" isn't just an american phenomenon, is it?
i think it can be wrapped up as such: "multi-culturalism as a basis for identity is bad for youth anywhere"

but all jeering & back-patting aside, the underlying element here is most likely applicable across all borders: youths seek (& find) acceptance, & thusly need to be well-grounded in family values to make the best choices.

however, we'd be rather vain to think our culture has this much exclusive impact on youth, eh?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i think there a much more obvious and direct link between why hispanic kids who speak english are more likely to get laid more.

the power in the numbers!!!!

if a teenager speaks ONLY spanish, he is only limited to interaction with other spanish speaking kids, thus reducing the size of his social universe.

a kid that speak english on the other hand, has a better chance of having a bigger social universe (he gets to know more girls), thus gets more chances to get laid.