
should the gov't protect us from ourselves?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Prosecuting a heartbroken mother working two jobs because her house wasn't kept up to snuff. Why not prosecute the bullies if someone HAS to be blamed? The DA should be strung up himself. Obviously, she was convicted by a jury of her peers.:rolleyes: What is the standard of cleanliness? Do cars on blocks in the front yard qualify? I can't believe that not even one of the jurors caused a mistrial. They should all be grievously ashamed of themselves. :mad:


Oct 17, 2002
that whole thing takes a very shallow and ignorant view of suicide and mental illness. No kid kills himself because of a dirty home or bullies... it's always a combination of stresses plus the lack of ability/resources to deal with the stress plus the fact that very few people *ever* know that a suicidal person is actually suicidal. If the mother has blame, then so does the school who should've been away that a kid who misses class that much and soils himself to get out of school has issues. They have professionals on staff to deal with such illness and yet, nothing was mentioned of the schools efforts or lack thereof :(

It's a sad situation and to further inflict pain on the parent is fvcked.