The space shuttle doesn't, & it emits uber-hella HFL & sulphuric acid after every launch. Recall our space program has these launched on a scheduled, and therefore anticipated, basis.
USSR's version of the shuttle used H, O, & kerosene; rather clean after launch (just one time - too costly to do again).
Here's the funny part. Minuteman III missles are now being outfitted/upgraded with new motors which adhere to EPA guidelines. These, unlike the shuttle, are not part of a scheduled & anticipated basis.
uhhh....if they're sent to kill a few million people, what's a few dead tree frogs going to matter?
links of interest:
fuel cell today
strategery page (MinMan III stuff)
"snowstorm" (russian space shuttle)
USSR's version of the shuttle used H, O, & kerosene; rather clean after launch (just one time - too costly to do again).
Here's the funny part. Minuteman III missles are now being outfitted/upgraded with new motors which adhere to EPA guidelines. These, unlike the shuttle, are not part of a scheduled & anticipated basis.
uhhh....if they're sent to kill a few million people, what's a few dead tree frogs going to matter?
links of interest:
fuel cell today
strategery page (MinMan III stuff)
"snowstorm" (russian space shuttle)