
should we get rid of the trick tip page


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002

the descriptions are poorly written. also, not many people here care about learning most of the tricks listed or can already do them.


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island

no offense really, but most of them seem like you could come up with the tips by just knowing what the trick is and then partially describing its basic mechanics with some recommendations. They don't really seem to me to be tips and experiential pointers from someone who has learned and become proficient at said tricks.

However, the basic concept of a trick/style/riding tip thread, I do agree with. Its just that I don't find the tips that useful, and they are not the tips I'd give to someone trying to learn one of the limited selection of 'tricks' that I am proficient at.
Trevor, I know it may be a pain to write out a long detailed description of how to actually do a trick, esp. if you are experiencing keyboard problems, however, if you want to provide "tips" you must do exactly that.. you have to take the time when you are jumping (especially if you are very proficient) and examine each and every detail of the movements required, so that you can provide sufficient beta to other people.
Your idea is sound, it is just the way it is applied.


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island
Shootr has got the right idea here. Its those little insights and realizations that come to you only after trying something over and over and over that can really help someone else learn that trick. And the more painful detail the better I think.
Actually Princess, I have to dissagree with you heartily on this.
Watching someone do a trick can be somewhat helpful, but it tells you nothing of the postitional requirements or minute corrective movements needed to perform the trick.

There is a term for information given on a problem, it is called "beta" or getting/giving Beta.
Providing beta on the problem is often far more informative than simply showing it.

If you search back in this forum you will find several detailed instructional passages I have posted in the past couple of years on specific tricks.. I assure you that they will provide you with information that is beneficial in learning these tricks.


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
the point is that thread is full of "trick descriptions" not tips on how to successfully complete the said manuever

How to fall off your bike:

ride, fall off...good job! you did it!