
Show pics

Uncle Jimmi

Nov 17, 2005
Uncle Jimmi’s Tour De Freeride Show

Thursday morning at 6AM Santiago and I went to NBC channel 6 in Miami to do an exclusive for the today show. We got to set up in the main walkway just in front of the entrance to the broadcast building. After having a blast on the box we went in to watch them do the morning show live. They aired a 6 or 7 minute segment wile I was going off on the box and Santiago was going off at the mouth about the shows were going to do for the I-max premiere move “Wired to Win Surviving the Tour De France”

Friday we did 2 shows for over 500 kids and the press in front of the Museum of Discovery and Science and got nice writ-ups the next morning in the paper along with a killer photo.

Saturday and Sunday we did 3 shows each day. On Saturday the wind was blowing at 20+ and switching directions quicker than a confused blond in the house of mirrors.

Lots more pictures in my Sponsorhouse gallery from the show.
Please click on the link and enjoy. http://www.sponsorhouse.com/members/UncleJimmi


Uncle Jimmi

Nov 17, 2005
Thanks, and yea I have lots of fun, this week (19 to the 24) I am boarding in Snowmass Co. The snow is great and the half pipe is the biggest I have ever seen.