"Parents, beware of 'Shrek 2.' The hit animated film has subversive 'transgender' messages, according to a conservative watchdog group. 'Parents who are thinking about taking their children to see Shrek 2, may wish to consider the following: The movie features a male-to-female transgender (in transition) as an evil bartender,' cautions the Traditional Values Coalition. 'The character has five oclock shadow, wears a dress and has female breasts. It is clear that he is a she-male. His voice is that of talk show host Larry King.' . . . "
They forgot about the "gender confused wolf" (as stated by prince charming)...
I thought it was funny as a grown up, but how exactly would you explain it to your kid...
They forgot about the "gender confused wolf" (as stated by prince charming)...
I thought it was funny as a grown up, but how exactly would you explain it to your kid...