
Shyrmp's Sea Otter Spectacular (dial-up beware)


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
This was my second time going to the Sea Otter Classic, my first as a competitor. We left Thursday night after work, made a brief stop in Irvine to pick up the hot-off-the-press jerseys from Simpson/GS3...and of course made the mandotory stop at In & Out Burger to fuel up for the long road trip ahead. We pulled into Monterey around 2am, unloaded, took a brief rest before getting up at 7am to go watch dual slalom.

The view from the top.....

Me helping Tym push his bike up the dual slalom course

Tym's first run

This critter kept poking out to say hello




Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Tym's second run

After watching dual slalom it was time to gear-up and head over to the DH course to practice. We ran in to Freak and Velocity Girl (who ended up helping me a lot over the weekend as my race support. Thank-you! :D)

My friend and competitor at our local races...Addy hitting the ladder at the top of the course :thumb:

A picture of one of the chutes along the course

The log section

Bob from Manitou testing out the new Travis 1.5 SC


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Race day! :D :D

A start to a beautiful day

Freak and Velocity Girl were nice enough to get up early and shuttle me so I could get in two practice runs. :)

Waiting for my run and trying to get rid of pre-race jitters

Well I guess it's time to race! :D

I ended up catching up to the rider in front of me, but could not get around her to pass, still ended up in fifth place and had a great time! I can't wait to race again. :)

Waiting for the others to join me on the podium


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Sunday was my rest day and time to watch others race. I tried to meet up with Freak and Velocity Girl to help them out on their race day but couldn't find them...to unfortunately find out later they had a mechanical and were unable to race :(

Local semi-pro rider....Alf

When I first met Full Trucker it was in a big cloud of dust :p

But then he got back up and kept going..... :thumb:

Orven hitting the first turn

The berms were a little loose :p

Orven hitting the berm on his race run....brapppt!

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Shyrmp said:
We ran in to Freak and Velocity Girl (who ended up helping me a lot over the weekend as my race support. Thank-you! :D)
No problem :D I'm glad you raced this year and are ready to do it again. Congrats on the 5th place finish!!!!!


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
I had a great time over the weekend, met lots of cool people, and enjoyed the great weather. Can't wait for next year to roll around.

On the way home we stopped in Nipomo for some really really good steak from Jocko's. The source of our dinner perhaps???????? :p

The view from our table....:drool: :drool:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Very nice pics and congrats on the medal. I hope to make it to sea otter some day but with college doesn't look like anytime soon.

What kinda camera did you shoot with i like the quality.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Hey Shyrmp! Super cool meeting you and Orven, that was definitely an über highlight of the weekend! I'm so glad to have crashed in front of ya! Aaaaahhhhh... uhhh... damn tyres...


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
lovebunny said:
lookin good heather. you just gotta get that other frame built so all your mango can match :thumb:

ps: that better? :nuts:
Much better, I can actually understand what you were trying to say now ;)

Still waiting for parts from the Netherlands before we can get the other frames built up....mmmm mango :p :p


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
TreeSaw said:
AWESOME pics as usual girl! You look like you're rockin' it out west. What did you think of the course? Maybe a little play-by-play for me?
As a beginner I loved the course! I thought it flowed well, didn't scare me too much ;), and had fun sandy corners for me to drift through...oh yeah and berms, can't forget the berms :D

I'll send you an e-mail later with a complete play by play...work is getting in the way right now :(


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Full Trucker said:
Hey Shyrmp! Super cool meeting you and Orven, that was definitely an über highlight of the weekend! I'm so glad to have crashed in front of ya! Aaaaahhhhh... uhhh... damn tyres...
It was great to finally meet you...definately a highlight of the weekend. :thumb:

I'll try to send you the full res pictures sometime this week :)

Five: Thanks! It was great meeting you. I hope one of these days to come up to the PNW to either race/ride.

Surfinguru: I remember seeing you in line. Good thing you weren't one of the people I took out on my multiple crashes ;) Here is a belated "Hi" for you:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Shrymp those pics are awesoem!!! Probably some of the best ones I've seen so far of SeaOtter. Congrats on the 5th place finish looks like you had a lot of fun. :) I wish that I could have made it out there this year, maybe next year, or in a few years when I'm not in school. :p Oh well, atleast I live within a 3hour drive of the Snowmass nationals later this summer. :D


Mar 5, 2002
splat said:
Cool Pics !!!!

Orven doesn't wear any Leg armour ???
I'm too broke to buy some and too lazy to dental floss my ripped 2 yr old dianese... taking donations!!!

It was yet another awesome Sea Otter.
Prolly one of the most fun since I started going 6 years ago. Heather made it fun for me.

I was actually bored to death prior to my race run so my friends yelling at me and me talking back to them along the course made it exciting.

Nice to meet new monkees and far too many others to mention that I had the chance to run into and chatted. Good times.....except for the wind and sun burn..

Till next year..

Heather, I have no freakin clue what you're talking about pics of hotties standing around.. bah!


Mar 5, 2002
manziman said:
and to the left is HeathShearatt!
I just realized that Heath was seeded after me on our race run. If I had known earlier, I would have said, "I'd buy you a burritto at the food court if you catch me." :) Good thing he didn't cuz I think he ran over a spectator. I went down but still had a decent run. Arrrgh...can't wait for the next race next weekend..I'm all itchy to race again.


Mar 5, 2002
dh girlie said:
Mountain bike races are smorgasboards of hot dudes...its a real sausage fest...:thumb:
I was looking at some ugly dudes with hotties and wonder, how the hell did he ended up with her? And then I looked at myself being with Heather and like...ok, nevermind. Ahahahaha!

Lunch time