
silence the kazoo

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kazoo--you know who you are--if i were you i would probably want to keep my mouth shut about certain people in the mountain biking industry. or at least make sure that everything you say is true. it is a small world, and the downhill community is tiny. word travels fast around here, and i know you like to run your mouth quite a bit. but if you have any loyalty to people who have helped support your racing career over the years, you will think twice from now on before you start gossiping like a little school girl. don't do it for anyone else, man, do it for yourself. do it for your own reputation in the downhill circle, and do it preserve and protect your fledgling career as a mediocre racer. people talk a lot, they compare notes, and people can easily catch on to a guy who talks a lot of **** that turns out to be false. just a little heads up for you, buddy.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
What the heck, who is kazoo and who are you? If you're really so tough and so confident why not reveal your true identities? Heck if you're trying to publicly flog kazoo and end his racing carrear why not start here with real names? Honestly folks, this isn't the place to settle problems you have with your boyfriend, if you think it is at least take it to the politics forum where the nuts hang out.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Kornphlake said:
What the heck, who is kazoo and who are you?
I think there are some sexually frustrated Karpiel riders around who are taking out their aggravation is all...

Like I said before, doesn't all this crap make you want to run out and buy a Karpiel so that you can be counted among such fine folks?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Ooh, spooky mafia-style threats...next thing you know, he's gonna wake up with a fork in his bed...with the sawed-off headtube still attached! AAHHHHHH!!

Then he's gonna wear concrete shoes and sleep with the fishes after refusing the offer he can't refuse... :rolleyes:

Assuming Town is Kazoo, it sounds like one of Jan's supposed thugs learned how to use a computer...or is that Jan himself?

:blah: :blah:


Oct 9, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Why do people insist on buying a bike from a company with so much apparent drama?? Is a Karpiel really so good that you're willing to play the odds on whether or not you actually get a frame once you've paid??


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
all i gotta say is

what is this about...why would you b1tch at someone about an obvious personal issue with thousands of people checking in? What is the point? Hoping the monkeys will excommunicate kazoo, doubt we care...


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
binary visions said:
I think there are some sexually frustrated Karpiel riders around who are taking out their aggravation is all...

Like I said before, doesn't all this crap make you want to run out and buy a Karpiel so that you can be counted among such fine folks?
I agree. Whoever has been trying to save Karpiel's image has done a really crappy job, but whoever has been trying to ruin his image has done very well. Like BV said, now we all want Karpiels.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Hey would all of you pole smokers take it somewhere else? We don't want your ridiculous personal vendettas and insane ramblings. GET BENT.

No one here is impressed by your internet tough guy talk, nor your company's product/reputation for that matter. You ruined that on your own. good job, tiger.
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