
Since everyone else is asking about routers...


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I am probably going to move to the basement of a 3 story house. The router is on the top floor, and doesn't make it to the basement very well. What is the best way to extend the network? I know there are repeaters, ways to turn routers into repeaters, etc. What is the best way to go about this, what would you do?

I currently have a Linksys router in my apartment, and where I'm moving has a Linksys router as well. Not sure the model on either, but I can find out.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I was thinking of coming out of the router upstairs and running a line to it downstairs. That sounds the most stable, but it will also be annoying to have two networks in the same house....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Two things:

Networks are segregated primarily by IP addresses not by what particular hardware you have. The amount of hardware you can put into a network is only limited by the IP address space - which is not a practical limit. If you simply assign an IP address to the router that's within the current subnet - or allow the upstairs router to automatically assign it an IP address - you will be within the current network.

Second, okay, I see where you're going - you need wireless in the basement (when you agreed with Silver's suggestion I thought you were just going to plug the ethernet cable into the computer in the basement). The way to ensure the best quality signal would be to buy something like a Linksys WAP54G, a wireless access point, and run the ethernet cable downstairs into that. The WAP can also act as a repeater, though, so if the signal is at all decent you don't have to run a cable at all.

Whatever your current Linksys model is, will likely not be able to act as a repeater (since few people own the more flexible access point, they own the router instead) without third party firmware. If you're feeling adventurous, you can try a third party firmware. If not, you'll need to run an ethernet line.