
Since Metallica has sucked for a while



I have kind of ignored them. I watch "some kind of monster" this weekend and liked it ok. Things I learned - Kirk Hammet ruined the last record. If Lars and James did it all before and it was good, Kirk must have ruined it with his input. I also learned that they tryed a bunch of big named bassists and I was glad they picked Robert Tujillo. Maybe they will start writing songs about suicide. I don't know if they are from San Francisco, but since that is where they did the St Anger stuff, that must be why it sucks. I mean, dhg is from there, and we know she sucks. :D It was decent overall, but not as good as stuff like Dogtown and Z Boys or the Gator movie.

dh girlie

loco said:
I have kind of ignored them. I watch "some kind of monster" this weekend and liked it ok. Things I learned - Kirk Hammet ruined the last record. If Lars and James did it all before and it was good, Kirk must have ruined it with his input. I also learned that they tryed a bunch of big named bassists and I was glad they picked Robert Tujillo. Maybe they will start writing songs about suicide. I don't know if they are from San Francisco, but since that is where they did the St Anger stuff, that must be why it sucks. I mean, dhg is from there, and we know she sucks. :D It was decent overall, but not as good as stuff like Dogtown and Z Boys or the Gator movie.
for your information...I am not from San Francisco or Reno...get an atlas...and look up San Jose...then look up San Francisco...then look up Reno...THEN get back to us...


dh girlie said:
for your information...I am not from San Francisco or Reno...get an atlas...and look up San Jose...then look up San Francisco...then look up Reno...THEN get back to us...
You are so catty about where you live. No one knows where San Jose is, so they just say San Francisco. Is it your fault Metallica sucked on that record??? That was the question. It really had nothing to do with geography.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
dh girlie said:
for your information...I am not from San Francisco or Reno...get an atlas...and look up San Jose...then look up San Francisco...then look up Reno...THEN get back to us...
Metallica aren't from San Francisco, they are from the east bay, and now they live in like, Marin, and you know what? That's almost as bad as being from San Jose, because San Jose is like, all hot and stuff, and it's right near Milpitas - which sucks.

So, yeah.


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
They haven't been good since "...and justice for all".
I guess it was when Hetfield learned how to sing...that'll ruin a metal band faster than anything.....anything aside from Ronny James Dio...

dh girlie

loco said:
You are so catty about where you live. No one knows where San Jose is, so they just say San Francisco. Is it your fault Metallica sucked on that record??? That was the question. It really had nothing to do with geography.
Uhhh...no...That cd sucks (as did the previous 3 or 4) because Metallica sold out and THEY suck. And yes, they are from San Francisco.

And I'm certainly not catty about where I live...Its much cooler to say you live in SF than San Jo...I was simply pointing out that you've f'd up twice today with your idea of where I live...with one location being so grossly off I wonder if you even completed the sixth grade...


qualude said:
They haven't been good since "...and justice for all".
I guess it was when Hetfield learned how to sing...that'll ruin a metal band faster than anything.....anything aside from Ronny James Dio...
He did mention voice lessons in the film. :think: You may be right. Whatever the case, it is dhg's disdain for them over the napster thing that ruined them.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
loco said:
You are so catty about where you live. No one knows where San Jose is, so they just say San Francisco. Is it your fault Metallica sucked on that record??? That was the question. It really had nothing to do with geography.
Uh, you MADE IT into a matter of geography. Please re-read your first post.

loco said:
I don't know if they are from San Francisco, but since that is where they did the St Anger stuff, that must be why it sucks. I mean, dhg is from there, and we know she sucks
You were saying?


dh girlie said:
Uhhh...no...That cd sucks (as did the previous 3 or 4) because Metallica sold out and THEY suck. And yes, they are from San Francisco.

And I'm certainly not catty about where I live...Its much cooler to say you live in SF than San Jo...I was simply pointing out that you've f'd up twice today with your idea of where I live...with one location being so grossly off I wonder if you even completed the sixth grade...
Really - what was number 2??? I don't even recall. Gawwwwd.


H8R said:
Uh, you MADE IT into a matter of geography. Please re-read your first post.

You were saying?
Great - so now you expect everything to be rationalized. :think:


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
loco said:
He did mention voice lessons in the film. :think: You may be right. Whatever the case, it is dhg's disdain for them over the napster thing that ruined them.
I agree with DHG on this one...definitely.
The whole napster thing was ridiculous......


The whole napster thing was funny. What's more funny is that a certain someone that thinks so as well, sent me some copied cds and the blanks were "Napster" cds. I thought that was the funniest ever. Take that Lars. :nuts: I may get some and copy all of their stuff and send to friends. :D

dh girlie

loco said:
Really - what was number 2??? I don't even recall. Gawwwwd.

You suggested that I was 'hitting' on COmtnbiker in another thread when I suggested to him he attend college at University of Nevada at Reno if he wanted to attend a college close to some good snow...

Soooo to put it in perspective for you, San Jo is about 5 hours away from Reno...

dh girlie

loco said:
The whole napster thing was funny. What's more funny is that a certain someone that thinks so as well, sent me some copied cds and the blanks were "Napster" cds. I thought that was the funniest ever. Take that Lars. :nuts: I may get some and copy all of their stuff and send to friends. :D

I don't care...I like Napster...I buy songs off it all the time...it's better than stealing a file thats f'd up or contains a virus that will kill my hard drive...and I got the Napster cds cuz I was sick of listening to you bitch and went to the nearest source to buy cds which was target.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
kill 'em All
Ride the Lightning
Master of Puppets
And Justice for All

there was a cover album in there or two as well.

everything after those are crap. It's hard to be a pissed off, drunk, angst filled person when your rich and over 40. and sober.... :nuts:

Kill em All was a ground breaking album in a new genre. Speed metal/Thrash metal.

now they play hard rock or something.
who cares? there are plenty of bands putting out great music.

Dave Mustaine did the same thing (who was in metallica and wrote some of the songs on Kill em All, for those that didn't already know that). used to play thrash, now just sucks and has for 15 plus years.

St. Anger doesn't have any guitar solo work on it does it? I don't know how Kirk could ruin something he didn't play on....:)

dh girlie

pnj said:
kill 'em All
Ride the Lightning
Master of Puppets
And Justice for All

there was a cover album in there or two as well.

St. Anger doesn't have any guitar solo work on it does it? I don't know how Kirk could ruin something he didn't play on....:)

Oh and don't forget that horrific piece of trash they did with the SF symphony...well...I personally didn't like it, so that is just MY opinion, of course...

And Kirk is an angry dwarf.


dh girlie said:
You suggested that I was 'hitting' on COmtnbiker in another thread when I suggested to him he attend college at University of Nevada at Reno if he wanted to attend a college close to some good snow...

Soooo to put it in perspective for you, San Jo is about 5 hours away from Reno...
But you frequently drive up there, right?


pnj said:
St. Anger doesn't have any guitar solo work on it does it? I don't know how Kirk could ruin something he didn't play on....:)
Watch the film.


dh girlie said:
No...not to Reno...I have no reason to go to Reno...
Ugh...I punt. You are just going to be a catty c**t, no matter what I say. :mumble:


dh girlie said:
Did you watch the whole thing? I saw some clips on VH1 the other night...I'd like to see the whole thing...even though they suck some serious ass now, they used to be so bad ass back in the day.
Yeah - I did. I liked it ok. The only bad part was the music. I wish they had made it while they recorded Garage Days re-visited, though.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
dh girlie said:
Oh and don't forget that horrific piece of trash they did with the SF symphony...well...I personally didn't like it, so that is just MY opinion, of course...

And Kirk is an angry dwarf.

I have forgotten everything they did after that POS black album they put out.

I doubt I will ever see Some kind of Monster. I just don't care enough.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
dh girlie said:
How is saying that San Jose is not near Reno, nor do I go to Reno being a catty c**t?
Now your being catty about being called a catty c**t.


H8R said:
Now your being catty about being called a catty c**t.
Now she will just start calling you catty and say that guys are so catty.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
pnj said:
I have forgotten everything they did after that POS black album they put out.

I doubt I will ever see Some kind of Monster. I just don't care enough.
I won't give them the time of day.

My mom likes them. She even likes the horrendous symphony thing they did. But hey, it's safe enough for mom.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
dh girlie said:
Well, theres a sign...mom likes em...you know they really suck when mom likes em!
There are very few major faults in my mom's musical taste, save this one.