so, I borrowed some cogs & spacers from my friend, and I'm trying to go SS on my Cannondale Chase. (2004 model, stock drivetrain: Truvativ Hussefelt cranks, Alivio front der, LX rear der, ? chain, 8 sp cassette. Have cogs to try: Surly 17t, endlessbikeco 15t, & an unmarked 12t)
He said he could only get the even numbered tooth cogs to work on his bike. The odd numbered ones skipped. (wtf?)
I've got things set up properly, it seems. Looks like a pretty straight chain line, the rear derailler has been pushed (via limit screw) into alignment with the cog and is working as a tensioner, the chain has been shortened so there's less slack, still have 2 gears in front which seems okay.
The problem is, the chain is skipping when I pedal hard. (It always seems fine when the bike's upsidedown and I crank it by hand, but once I'm on it - skippity doo da) On the 15t and 17t cogs, I can see the chain hop on the cog when it skips. The chain just doesn't seem to mesh right. On the 12t, things were going a bit better (and it was an even number - should that even matter?) but it skips when I pedal hard. I can ride around casually with no issues, but crank a little or pop a wheelie and it skips. I can't seem to see it happening, like I can on the other cogs, but it feels the same.
What could be going wrong? I don't seem to have any stiff links. Maybe my chain is stretched? What else should I check?
He said he could only get the even numbered tooth cogs to work on his bike. The odd numbered ones skipped. (wtf?)
I've got things set up properly, it seems. Looks like a pretty straight chain line, the rear derailler has been pushed (via limit screw) into alignment with the cog and is working as a tensioner, the chain has been shortened so there's less slack, still have 2 gears in front which seems okay.
The problem is, the chain is skipping when I pedal hard. (It always seems fine when the bike's upsidedown and I crank it by hand, but once I'm on it - skippity doo da) On the 15t and 17t cogs, I can see the chain hop on the cog when it skips. The chain just doesn't seem to mesh right. On the 12t, things were going a bit better (and it was an even number - should that even matter?) but it skips when I pedal hard. I can ride around casually with no issues, but crank a little or pop a wheelie and it skips. I can't seem to see it happening, like I can on the other cogs, but it feels the same.
What could be going wrong? I don't seem to have any stiff links. Maybe my chain is stretched? What else should I check?