
Skate parks with a-holes


Feb 20, 2003
Just yesterday I almost got in a fist fight with a stupid skater at the outdoor park. I was going about 100 miles an hour toward the roll in to head over to the bowl corner, and he skated right over in front of me and cut off my line.

I locked up the brakes, slid about ten feet, and still ended up crashing in to the guy. He came up like he was in a movie or something, or like an old-time boxer with his hands way out in front of him.

I stood up and said something along the line of "Are you stupid, or just high?" He replied "Stupid bikers, got no place in the park anyway." At that point, I was seriously ready to kill this dude, but his friends came and got him and dragged him off.

So, the whole BMX Jihad thing... Bikers and skaters can't get along... if the skater is stupid.


Aug 21, 2002
Rochester NY
Little kids are the worst offenders. I had this little 10 year old look at me and say "Stupid Bikers." So I replied with "Stupid Fruitbooters," the kid freaked.......very amusing.


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
I'm conflicted on this issue. When I was a young'un skaterat, I couldn't stand BMXers in the park. Now, I'm a mtnbiker, and plan on hitting the local parks in the near future.

As always, it comes down to this: it's the person, not their mechanism. If someone is a dickhead, and they ride a bike, board, horse, motorcycle, they are going be dickhead when they do that. Remember, too, what it's like to be a punk-assed 13 yr old. Rise above, and only throttle them when necessary.


I Love Cheap Beer!
Originally posted by gorgechris
I'm conflicted on this issue. When I was a young'un skaterat, I couldn't stand BMXers in the park. Now, I'm a mtnbiker, and plan on hitting the local parks in the near future.

As always, it comes down to this: it's the person, not their mechanism. If someone is a dickhead, and they ride a bike, board, horse, motorcycle, they are going be dickhead when they do that. Remember, too, what it's like to be a punk-assed 13 yr old. Rise above, and only throttle them when necessary.
I agree that a$$holes come in all forms, and it's important to take the high ground. But it's a tough argument when so much satisfaction can be derived by beating somebody down with their own boot or board. :D


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
"Hey, you know what? I'm starting to think you're right. Bikes don't belong in the park. Maybe I should try skateboarding. Can I borrow your board for a second?"

*whack*, break it over the f*cker's head.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
so that is harsh eh?
i still skate the park and bike it too
i think the biggest issue i have on both sides is that people just don't look at whats goin on
like who is riding what line and such
everyone does it, specially assholes who think they are like the shizz or something and think that if they hit someone its their fault even if they cut into a line the other person had been hitting the whole time...
not saying you all do this just ranting

so next time your in the park sit for a few minutes and see what the rythme of the park is..


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Originally posted by Echo
"Hey, you know what? I'm starting to think you're right. Bikes don't belong in the park. Maybe I should try skateboarding. Can I borrow your board for a second?"

*whack*, break it over the f*cker's head.
:thumb: I like your thinking. I'll have to remember that.

The Ito
Originally posted by gorgechris
I'm conflicted on this issue. When I was a young'un...
Ya gotta take each incident for what it is.... I DH,FR,BMX...Surf,Skate&Snow...... So I've got to meet a worldful of A$$ho's. I tend to experience a 10% unfavorable interaction rate in a mixed crowd, and sometimes I'm even at fault. I tend not to retaliate on single incidents unless serious injury could have occured. However, if the same pi$$ant continues to show their a$$, nail them in the mid-section at the top of the coping with a 360-tailwhip... If ya can't tailwhip, just throw your bike at them.

Disclaimer: Opinions stated are not endorsed or supported by Ridemonkey. Such actions in certain geographical locations can cause you to become arrested, injured, or dead. Choose wisely.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Last night there were a bunch of kids with skateboards (not riding) just wandering around by the vert wall. It was like a f*cking daycare. We asked them like 10 times to go stand around somewhere else. They ignored us. Then one of them got nailed by a BMX biker. That got them to move.


Aug 12, 2001
Durango, CO
the only people i hate are the ones who don't understand the concept of taking turns & if i am constantly getting snaked that really chaps my ass, buti do understand that i am going to be snaked no matter who i'm riding with but the occasional snaking doesn't bother me


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
the best i have seen is some punk high school kid on a board knock a little kid biker over and yell at him about how much bmx sucked.
The punk high school kid then was promptly dropped 8 feet the flat by the little bmx kid older skateboarder brother, it was soooo funny!:D
Apr 14, 2002
Los Osos, California
Fights at parks suck, because if the a$$holes got a lot of friends, they will hit you with their skate. I figured out that when you get yelled at the first time, yell back louder. if he looks like he's gonna swing, or if he starts **** again knock him the fvck out. its worked 2 times, and i only hit w/ a skate once...but it really hurt...or just go with friends and do the same thing on a larger scale...