
Skills Video - can anyone recommend a good one?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I bought a Haro F5 a few months ago and I've been riding it around outside as much as I can this winter and I realize that I basically suck - I am having a ton of fun pedaling this bike though - 20" rocks!

I was wondering if there was a good skills/technique video I could watch during the cold winter nights that could give me some good visuals as to how to wheelie, bunnyhop, maneuver the bike etc. etc.

In addition, I plan on riding the Haro as much as I can, but it would be good to have something to work on since I don't have an experienced riding buddy to help me out.




Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I think you can get some 'How to Ride BMX' videos from danscomp.com

I'm sure they are very basic and/or kinda lame.

instead I would suggest just buying a normal bike video and watch the techniques in that. it would be a funner video I would think then a step by step thing.

my next suggestion would be to find people to ride with. this is far more important and helpfull then a video ever will be. (I understand you can't ride all the time though so buy a few videos as well)

riding with others will help so much but if your just starting out it can be intimidating.

the best thing you can do is ride your bike. it comes down to muscle memory so you have to train your muscles where to go. the only way to do that is to pedal around on the thing.

most importantly, have fun.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Originally posted by pnj
I think you can get some 'How to Ride BMX' videos from danscomp.com

I'm sure they are very basic and/or kinda lame.

instead I would suggest just buying a normal bike video and watch the techniques in that. it would be a funner video I would think then a step by step thing.

my next suggestion would be to find people to ride with. this is far more important and helpfull then a video ever will be. (I understand you can't ride all the time though so buy a few videos as well)

riding with others will help so much but if your just starting out it can be intimidating.

the best thing you can do is ride your bike. it comes down to muscle memory so you have to train your muscles where to go. the only way to do that is to pedal around on the thing.

most importantly, have fun.
I'm 35 and I feel like a kid again on the bmx bike - it's a blast and I ride it often - even if for short little 10 minute quick rides - just can't seem to master popping a wheelie or bunnyhopping or manualing - **** like that.

It's the middle of winter where I am and no indoor skate park in CT, so my ability to ride with others is hampered until spring - but come spring I'll get out to the parks and ride and watch and listen and learn. :D :thumb:


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I know what your saying about not being able to ride......winter does suck.

as for not 'being able to master' bunnyhops and wheelies, stuff doesn't happen overnight.

one day you can't bunnyhop, next thing you can only hop a curb and soon your hopping on picknick tables. it just takes time and practice. surely there are parking garages in your town.

take a few empty boxes and practice hopping over them. if you crush them, no big deal. I started out hopping over 2 x 4's. in the same parking lot, if there are parking lines, practice manualing or wheelieing (you WILL get laughed at for doing pedaling wheelies, but do them if it makes you happy:p ) from parking space to parking space. one day you can only do one parking space the next day 2 and soon enough the whole damm parking lot.

and don't tell me it's too cold to ride in a parking garage.

at this point in time I would like to mention that my friend has made a really cool video and you should support small rider owned companys. purchase his video and your skills will skyrocket.:D



Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Originally posted by pnj
I know what your saying about not being able to ride......winter does suck.

as for not 'being able to master' bunnyhops and wheelies, stuff doesn't happen overnight.

one day you can't bunnyhop, next thing you can only hop a curb and soon your hopping on picknick tables. it just takes time and practice. surely there are parking garages in your town.

take a few empty boxes and practice hopping over them. if you crush them, no big deal. I started out hopping over 2 x 4's. in the same parking lot, if there are parking lines, practice manualing or wheelieing (you WILL get laughed at for doing pedaling wheelies, but do them if it makes you happy:p ) from parking space to parking space. one day you can only do one parking space the next day 2 and soon enough the whole damm parking lot.

and don't tell me it's too cold to ride in a parking garage.

at this point in time I would like to mention that my friend has made a really cool video and you should support small rider owned companys. purchase his video and your skills will skyrocket.:D

hmmm.........good idea on the parking garage.....I'll have to find me one that I can get into for free. :cool: