
Sky diving! Full report, impressions and pictures... (long post)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Woke up bright and early on Saturday, excited out of my mind to go do this jump. I've never gone sky diving before, but it's always been something I've wanted to do.

A girl that I work with came in one morning a while ago and when discussing our weekends, she said that she had gone sky diving and loved it. Fast forward a few weeks, we're dating and decide to go. Got a bunch of people together to go with us, and made arrangements. Coming up on the actual date, the people from the group started dropping like flies. Down from 9 people, we had 4 that actually went. All the guys (except me, of course) chickened out, and we lost one woman who didn't have the money.

Arriving at the place, it's pretty unassuming. Kind of a run down few buildings, lots of campsites, and a lot of cool people who often just hang around even if they're not jumping. We went inside, got a short training course (10 minutes), and signed a lot of papers indicating that we understood that we could die, and that if we do, there's no way in hell we can sue anyone even remotely involved in the jump... Very comforting!

A couple hours after we got there, it poured rain so they had to ground everyone. We were promised that we would still be able to jump, so we got some lunch and talked to one of the instructors for a bit.

After a lot of waiting, and a lot of watching people jump, they finally called our names and we went to meet the instructors! Since it was a tandem jump, we each had a tandem person, and the two of us who got videos and pictures also had a video guy. All cool people, very laid back and relaxed. The suits are pretty funny, and the harnesses actually inspire some confidence - very thick webbing, nice and tight.

From left to right, Katie (my co-worker), me, Kara (a friend of Jenn's), and Jenn (the girl who inspired this in the first place). Ready to rock!

Going up in the plane is an interesting experience, watching the ground drop away and knowing you're not going to land in the plane. Everyone was laughing and joking, except for a couple of the jumpers who were turning white... Very amusing. When we get to about 8,000 ft, they open the plane door, and at 14,000 ft., your tandem guy buckles you in, cinches everything tight, and gives you your goggles. My video guy was shooting the whole time, making sure to capture some footage of my whole group which was pretty nice considering he only has to keep track of me.

Katie went first, and I got to watch her climb out on the side of the plane, then suddenly.. WHOOSH, she's gone. Disappeared. Very cool. My turn!

Climbing out on the side of the plane was an interesting experience. I was unable to be afraid or nervous, because I couldn't exactly wrap my mind around the fact that I was on the side of a plane, about to let go. What experience could I compare it to to tell me "you should be afraid"? So I just went with it. Wow, what a view.

They make you cross your arms and grab onto your straps to supress the panic reaction that people get to grab onto anything they can. Climbing out, the video guy grins at me, lets go and I watch him drop like a stone. Then, suddenly, I'm falling... falling... so fast!

There's nothing I can say to describe the feeling of falling 120mph through the air. The freefall lasts for about a minute, and it is the most exhilirating minute of your life. If you get the chance to go, do it. It's unbelievable. The video guy was having a blast with us, grabbing onto my feet and hands and pulling/pushing us around. This huge, sh*t eating grin on his face the whole time - it must be fun to watch newbies like myself experience this for the first time.

Plunging through the clouds was awesome. Clear sky, clear sky, clear sky.. white, white, white, gray, gray, clear again! Coming through the clouds, this is what you see on the other side.

Pretty cool, eh? Finally, after a lifetime and a half, the guy pulls the chute, and we drift along. He gave me the cords and told me to yank on one or the other and see what happens. After some fun spins and such, I settled in and just admired the scenery. When else do you get to be thousands of feet in the air with nothing between you and the rest of the world?

Landing was easy, they ask you to stick your feet out and the tandem guy takes the force of the landing. Unreal.

I'm going to go again!

Sorry for the grainy pictures, no place was open yesterday so I got crappy Wal-mart hour developing and scanned 'em on a lousy scanner.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
pixelninja said:
Freakin SWEET! The wife and I have talked about jumping.

The yellow and purple outfit is HOT.
You like that? My tandem guy handed it to me and told me that, since I was getting a video, he had to make sure I looked good :D

You should definitly do it. Anyone who has talked about it or considered it is doing themselves a disservice if they don't get out there and try it. $200 very well spent. Whether or not you continue with it as a hobby doesn't matter - the one experience needs to be had if you've considered it.

Slugman said:
So did they do a video as well?
Yep. Very nice footage, actually. The editing is cheesy but the actual footage of the jump is fantastic.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
sweet! very cool pics. how many times can you be photographed a few thousand feet above the ground?

$200 doesn't sound that bad, really. hell, it was ~$260 for my wife and i just to race yesterday (babysitter, race fees, licences).


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I've dreamed of doing that for ages. Two questions:

1) Did your jumpsuit have a union suit-stye button-up backside? That 3rd pic made me wonder....

2) Were any of these songs used in the making of your video: Van Halen "Dreams", Kenny Loggins "Danger Zone" or Bette Midler "Wind Beneath Your Wings"? My former officemate went ahead and jumped, got a video and everything even though I was not able to go myself due to financial timing and spousal worry. Her video brought me to tears of laughter due to excessive cheesiness. Regardless, I would do it in a second if I could. We have a place that does such things that I drive past to and from work every day, and they even have one of those big fan-powered parachute contraptions...kinda like a "FanMan" rig but with a rigid aluminum frame, seat and little wheels.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
1) Did your jumpsuit have a union suit-stye button-up backside? That 3rd pic made me wonder....
:p No! Only access is from the front.. Sorry to burst your bubble ;)

2) Were any of these songs used in the making of your video: Van Halen "Dreams", Kenny Loggins "Danger Zone" or Bette Midler "Wind Beneath Your Wings"?
Nope, not those specific ones. Actually, the music isn't too horrible though I've been too busy reliving the experience to pick out the songs they used. The editing is fantastically cheesy, but then again, they're throwing the tape together in a small back room at the sky dive place, and they complete it in 10 minutes.

llkoolkeg said:
I've dreamed of doing that for ages.
w00dy said:
GAH!! I'm getting all nervous and excited just reading your post, I need to try this, soon.
Schedule a day and do it. The chance of injury or death on these tandem jumps is virtually nil since the person doing all the work is the certified instructor with 1000+ jumps under their belt. All you have to do is enjoy the ride. It's not that expensive considering the amount that goes into it: plane fuel, pilot, tandem instructor, equipment rental and training course.

manhattanprjkt83 said:
how much per person?
All the info is on the website. It's $205 on the weekends, $185 on the weekdays, all inclusive (no rental fees or anything). There is a student discount, and a repeat jumper discount. Video is $80, and worth it the first time you go. You will watch the tape over and over again, believe me.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
llkoolkeg said:
2) Were any of these songs used in the making of your video: Van Halen "Dreams", Kenny Loggins "Danger Zone" or Bette Midler "Wind Beneath Your Wings"?
if they were playing loggins or midler, i'd have jumped out of the airplane at the first chance.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Two things keep me from doing it.

a) One thing I learned while spending eleven years in CG helicopters is this: If it's still running, don't get out.
b) I don't want to die strapped to a dude.

....now, if I could be strapped to one of those cute girls you went with I might reconsider.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Damn True said:
b) I don't want to die strapped to a dude.

....now, if I could be strapped to one of those cute girls you went with I might reconsider.
Actually, there were some pretty fine looking ladies who were doing tandem instruction as well. They have to rotate though - I guess you're only allowed so many jumps in a row then you have to be grounded for an hour or two - and the three women had jumped the flight before mine.

I told Jenn that I was going to find out where they sold those harnesses :evil:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
derekpearson said:
Skydiving is a great time, I recommend it to everyone. thanks for sharing!
You should join one of the skydiving places as a full time photographer/videographer. Not a bad job...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
For llkoolkeg - the song list on my video, now that I've settled down enough to actually listen to the music without my heart going a mile a minute:

(during the introduction) The Kids Aren't Alright by The Offspring
(during the jump & freefall) Downfall by Trustcompany
(drifting after the chute was pulled & closing) Crazy Train by Ozzy Ozbourne


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I've never been sky-diving perse... I've pretty much fallen out of an airplane 4 times and had my parachute open automatically. It's only from about 4000 feet. So no freefall. The most exciting part is getting out of the airplane and letting go. After that it's pretty tame. I'd like to do the free-fall thing...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
MMike said:
I've never been sky-diving perse... I've pretty much fallen out of an airplane 4 times and had my parachute open automatically. It's only from about 4000 feet. So no freefall. The most exciting part is getting out of the airplane and letting go. After that it's pretty tame. I'd like to do the free-fall thing...
Static line jumps, right? You've got a little line that is attached to the airplane and it yanks your 'chute?

There's a place I was checking out that lets you do that, but after doing the big jump, I'm not sure I would enjoy it nearly as much. The huge freefall was the biggest rush.

They do have some pretty cool footage of base jumping off big buildings and canyon walls and such, which could be fun...


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
binary visions said:
Static line jumps, right? You've got a little line that is attached to the airplane and it yanks your 'chute?

There's a place I was checking out that lets you do that, but after doing the big jump, I'm not sure I would enjoy it nearly as much. The huge freefall was the biggest rush.

They do have some pretty cool footage of base jumping off big buildings and canyon walls and such, which could be fun...

pilot chute actually. As I let go of the airplane, the instructor throws the pilot chute, which then "deploys the canopy".... (I'm down with the lingo)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
MMike said:
pilot chute actually. As I let go of the airplane, the instructor throws the pilot chute, which then "deploys the canopy".... (I'm down with the lingo)
Cool. I was watching some video of people base jumping and there were a few guys who were jumping off some scary-small buildings.. They'd jump and the minute their feet left the building they'd throw the pilot chute.