
Slackers Monday GMT


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
No wingdings because slackers. Swam this morning, bike tonight. Some work in between.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning! I was going to swim this morning too...packed all my stuff last night and everything. Then the alarm went off this morning and I thought FTS and went back to sleep. Thankfully the dog went right back to sleep too.

I think between the last three nights, I have finished sleeping.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
at least I got in one good ride while having to work all weekend. Its supposed to rain every day except wednesday this week so it looks like ride on the wind trainer or run on the elliptical each night. rain gear and reflective vest will be this weeks work uniform.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Morning Monkies! Another work week but this one is special as its annual enrollment week for health care benefits. We have a new system that deleted dependent spouses and requires a telephone call to reinstate them. Of course no one can get through because there are not enough people to handle the calls...

Other than that excitement just another work week. I've arranged to bail early for trail rides Tuesday and Thursday.


Feb 24, 2011
Work is as Work does. Cold and wet this weekend here in Maine. Had to wear a jacket yesterday while banging out a few gravel roads. Need to find some thicker gloves during my lunch some I can ride tonight with cold fingers.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
'Morning! I was going to swim this morning too...packed all my stuff last night and everything. Then the alarm went off this morning and I thought FTS and went back to sleep. Thankfully the dog went right back to sleep too.

I think between the last three nights, I have finished sleeping.
On weekends I just sleep until I wake up. I slept until 8am on both Saturday and Sunday vs. my normal wake up of 6:30am. Apparently I have been tired.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
work. hoping my new bike arrives tomorrow. my son got to ride his new bike for the first time yesterday as the rain finally let up. he was pretty stoked. it's a little long for him, so I swapped stems and lowered it a bit, and pushed the saddle forward. He didn't ride it after the changes, but I'm hoping it was enough. it's got gears, and he figured out the gripshift pretty quick. It's too bad we're so close to the end of the riding season caus' it would have been nice to go for rides with him. I'll have to get some knobbies for it as it came with semi-slicks...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Worked way longer than should have on Sunday due to stuff. But next Sunday "should" go smoother since this was the test run (sort of).

It amazes me that there are people who have been put in a position that requires a specialized skill that they lack and will never gain. How they got put there, I have no idea, but they shouldn't be. Once identified, though, they can be avoided because they are truly of no use for the purpose they are supposed to serve.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Morning, kiddo is sick, wifey is sick, so I am sure I will also be soon.

Picked up the new bike this weekend and she is all adjusted up, just need the trailer for the kiddo and we are off.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Brings in our coop student to do menial tasks and various things, while I work on other crap....

....End up spending more time explaining crap and taking more time than if I just did the stuff myself



The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
Rescued a cyclocrosser who busted his ass (actually his leg) deep in the woods in the unforgiving wilds of Queens yesterday. Clearly would have been eaten by wolves (actually large rats) if I hadn't found him when I did.

Had to drive him home because he had ridden to the trails, and into the folded arms and furious glare of a wife who was pissed they would now miss their 6yr-old-son's piano recital. Be safe out there people, not for your own well being, but keep yourselves from the vengeful wrath of an unforgiving spouse/partner/whathaveyou.

(postscript - He texted to me laster to say he fractured his femur and torn his quad and was going in for immediate surgery. Quite impressed he was able to hobble out of the trails.)


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Mornin! I got two big rides in this weekend and am tired this morning. Perfect dirt, even frozen in spots higher up in elevation. Talk about fast and rippin!!!!!!!!! It was Derek's birthday Saturday and we went to a Young Dubliners concert. in the words of Trump, it was tremendous.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
This resonates with me this morning... :D
Don't get me wrong, I know some stuff, but databases are not one of them. That is one area that requires a special (weird) kind of individual to be any good at it. So how/why is someone who doesn't seem to know a whole lot about it be considered a DBA? And if they are a DBA, then I need to add that to my title because I was the one who figured it all out. :rofl:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Don't get me wrong, I know some stuff, but databases are not one of them. That is one area that requires a special (weird) kind of individual to be any good at it. So how/why is someone who doesn't seem to know a whole lot about it be considered a DBA? And if they are a DBA, then I need to add that to my title because I was the one who figured it all out. :rofl:
Sounds like a good excuse to poopdeck this one;


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Rescued a cyclocrosser who busted his ass (actually his leg) deep in the woods in the unforgiving wilds of Queens yesterday. Clearly would have been eaten by wolves (actually large rats) if I hadn't found him when I did.

Had to drive him home because he had ridden to the trails, and into the folded arms and furious glare of a wife who was pissed they would now miss their 6yr-old-son's piano recital. Be safe out there people, not for your own well being, but keep yourselves from the vengeful wrath of an unforgiving spouse/partner/whathaveyou.

(postscript - He texted to me laster to say he fractured his femur and torn his quad and was going in for immediate surgery. Quite impressed he was able to hobble out of the trails.)
He rides cyclocross. I'm sure the rest of his masochist crew would shun him if they found out he didn't get out of the woods under his own power.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. Working from home this morning (and actually did work), heading in shortly. Someone called in sick and it's unclear who will cover for them. I'm keeping my head down and my mouth shut. :D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Don't get me wrong, I know some stuff, but databases are not one of them. That is one area that requires a special (weird) kind of individual to be any good at it. So how/why is someone who doesn't seem to know a whole lot about it be considered a DBA? And if they are a DBA, then I need to add that to my title because I was the one who figured it all out. :rofl:
Resonates with me LOUDLY this morning. :D

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Yep. kiddo xc ride today, winding down BMX season with maybe last (outdoor) race this Friday...got crazy and bought a sprint stand so maybe I can actually get good starts next year, maybe??

(that and also need to drop like 15 lbs over the winter, now THAT's a chore)...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Yep. kiddo xc ride today, winding down BMX season with maybe last (outdoor) race this Friday...got crazy and bought a sprint stand so maybe I can actually get good starts next year, maybe??

(that and also need to drop like 15 lbs over the winter, now THAT's a chore)...
thats cool.
as kids we all hung at and played at the track, but once in a while when the track folks were doing maintenance they'd have 'gate practice', the lines would be 8 kids deep.