
Small trail closed in Mission Trails Regional Park


Jul 24, 2008
Santee, CA
Our liaisons with MTRP along with park staff put this release together.

A word of warning: $675 Tickets for Entering a Closed Trail at MTRP
Ignoring posted closed trail signs can ruin everyone's day

A group of seven mountain bike riders were each issued $675.00 citations and three hikers were cited $550.00 for violating a closed trail at Mission Trails Regional Park last week. Although this may sound extreme, let’s look at the circumstances.

The trail is just north of the Grasslands Loop Trail and runs parallel to the Spring Canyon service road. According to MTRP policy, designated trails are posted with directional signs. In other words: “If there is no sign designating a trail, it is not a trail open to use.” This trail had never been designated. It started out as an animal trail a few inches wide and developed into a narrow single track. It was closed because the area it runs through contains sensitive vegetation and wildlife habitat and is hunting grounds for local raptors.

An MTRP ranger watched with binoculars as the group rode past three separate signs reading “Wildlife Habitat, Area Closed”; “Sensitive Habitat, Area Closed;” and “No Bicycles” in that order. If that wasn’t enough, the trail had been covered with dead branches, which is commonly done to help return an area to its natural state. The ranger saw the group get off their bikes and remove every single bit of deadfall. He met them as they came out at the other end of the trail and asked if they were willing to replace what they removed. They declined. That’s when they were issued citations.

Eagle Scouts are going to rehabilitate and restore the area and rangers and community volunteers will be placing tree trunks at both ends of the trail and in various locations along it. An Eagle Scout candidate is scheduled to start reseeding the area and laying down jute netting for erosion control.

The MTRP rangers are simply requesting that all park patrons respect posted signs. They are not singling out mountain bikers. Hikers were also cited that day. SDMBA asks that you simply follow the IMBA Rules of the Trail, and #1 is “Ride on Open Trails Only.” Please pass the word on to your friends.