
smoked oysters, spam and snickers. big ride fuel....


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
okay, the whole oyster thing my whole family loves it, i don't get it they seem really gross to me. can someone explain whats good about them to me


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
during the big road rides or epic XC days I will tear down a couple cans of oysters or a can of spam followed by a snickers bar for mid ride fuel.

its chaeaper than power/clif bars and tatses better and seems to work better,

what do you guys hammer down?
For "epics" I make sure to bring a few little boxes of raisins, couple snickers or snickers marathon bars, and beef jerky. I wouldn't be able to eat the oysters during a ride. :barf:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
My basic plan: Eat a huge pile of carbs with some protein the night before, then eat a relatively big breakfast with more carbs and protein the morning of the ride at least 2-3 hours before the start. Before the start I'll eat a banana or another piece of fruit, then during the ride I drink diluted sports drink, suck down a Gu every hour, and eat a clif bar every 2.5 hours. If I am bonking towards the end, a snickers and a coke or coffee will get me home every time.

Not sure my digestive system would be too happy with canned oysters out there, but to each his own.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
I don't really do epic rides, but I do have some fairly long fourteener days. I used to do the energy bar and gu thing, but then realized that I could spend less money on better tasting food and be just as well off. Now I just wander through the grocery store and pick up whatever I feel like.

On my last trip we had peanuts, pine nuts, fig newtons, potato chips, and a pudding coffee cake ring.


free wieners
I don't really do epic rides, but I do have some fairly long fourteener days. I used to do the energy bar and gu thing, but then realized that I could spend less money on better tasting food and be just as well off. Now I just wander through the grocery store and pick up whatever I feel like.

On my last trip we had peanuts, pine nuts, fig newtons, potato chips, and a pudding coffee cake ring.
I realized this as well, but after shpping for a while I looked for things that had alot calories, protien, omegas and such.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Sometimes I use energy bars, but I don't like to spend so much. I do love me some Clif bars, though. I'll do pretty much anything easy to snack on- trail mix, homemade granola bars (or granola), fruit (regular and dried), jerky, tortillas and peanut butter... That's only if I really go all out with the planning. Usually I just make sure to eat a few hours before and the night before and then toss a few granola bars in before I leave.


May 2, 2005
bacon......and more bacon........and then some bacon for dessert

but spam....................................................................................not.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
I usually carry clif bars and shots and shotbloks too. I'll eat a clif bar before riding if I didn't have time to get in breakfast or dinner or whatever. Often, I will have a clif bar for breakfast on a workday if I am not having my favorite breakfast... natural peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat.

I usually suck on a piece of candy or a shotblock while riding, and only dip into the clif stuff in case of emergency. More often than not, I give them away to others in need of sustenance.

Lately, I have been carrying a piece of fruit and a bag of tuna (I picked up a bunch for $1 each on sale). Fruit is good when you need energy, and the tuna is good for post ride protein.

My favorite post-ride meal is an Italian beef and beer. Nobody's got beef sandwiches like we got in Chicago and beer... well, need I say more?


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
why is snickers good for energy?
On my road rides I ALWAYS carried money for a snickers bar. Quick sugar rush and some protein, carries me all the way home.

Of course I also used to consider gummi bears energy food, so take it with a grain of salt.

Seriously though, the Snicker bar is god on my long days.