

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Echo said:
I just want to extend a quick thanks to you smokers for raising the cost of my health insurance.
And I'll thank bad drivers for raising my auto insurance.

This was just a reply trying to justify my nasty smoking habbit...........I do want to quit this season since I'll most likely be racing.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
i quit cold turkey 2+ years ago after smoking off & on from the time I was 15-22. I hate it now & hate being around smoke. My brother & his lazy ass g/f both smoke & I hate going in their house.

cigs=corporate crack


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
You smoke AND your name is stink boy, thats perfect.

However, you decision to destroy your own body in order to look cool in front of your peers (face it that how you got started) is yours, just dont do it while other are trying to eat or breathe.

I have a riding buddy that had quit and started smoking again rescently. He went from keeping pace with me to being 5-10 min behind me on the longer trails. He still rides the same amount, he's just slower, huffs and puffs a lot more... hah, I make fun of him often.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
golgiaparatus said:
You smoke AND your name is stink boy, thats perfect.

However, you decision to destroy your own body in order to look cool in front of your peers (face it that how you got started) is yours, just dont do it while other are trying to eat or breathe.

I have a riding buddy that had quit and started smoking again rescently. He went from keeping pace with me to being 5-10 min behind me on the longer trails. He still rides the same amount, he's just slower, huffs and puffs a lot more... hah, I make fun of him often.
Making fun of people who athletically are lacking or have other things that are obviously easy to make fun of due to smoking cigs is sooo much fun. :D I can't tell you how many times at school people will come back from lunch smelling of ass/cigs, and it's just so easy to pull out some jokes on them. :D :p


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
TN said:
i quit cold turkey 2+ years ago after smoking off & on from the time I was 15-22. I hate it now & hate being around smoke. My brother & his lazy ass g/f both smoke & I hate going in their house.

cigs=corporate crack
I use to smoke too... all through HS and most of College. Like you I quit cold friggin turkey my 3rd year in College. I was an azz hole for about a week (was on a strict diet of KB to keep me from strangling people). But it was really easy from that point on. Drinking the first couple of weeks is :nope: makes you want to smoke WAY more and its much harder to withstand the urge when you are drunk.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
SkaredShtles said:
You don't throw your spent cigs out the window of your car, do you? :angry:

Absolutely not. I used to play a lot of golf and I would flick the cherry (safely) and keep the empty butts in my pocket til I got to a trash can. I respect the desert I live in. A buddy flatted on a trail a couple weeks ago, and during the repair we found random chain peices someone had just chucked, so I threw 'em in my pack to trash later. I'm a smoker, not a moron.


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
I smoked from the time I was 14 until 26, quit for 4 years, moved to NYC, and promptly started again. I quit again about 1.5 years ago. I would always try to be considerate about my vice, and not throw the butts on the sidewalk, and usually try to watch which way I exhaled for the sake of the individual walking behind me. I never smoked inside. I will say, that since I quit, and smoking is illegal in the bars here, I enjoy drinking more, and definitely can climb better! Well worth the pain of quitting...and the girls like ya more for it! At least my wife does....


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
stinkyboy said:
Absolutely not. I used to play a lot of golf and I would flick the cherry (safely) and keep the empty butts in my pocket til I got to a trash can. I respect the desert I live in. A buddy flatted on a trail a couple weeks ago, and during the repair we found random chain peices someone had just chucked, so I threw 'em in my pack to trash later. I'm a smoker, not a moron.
I applaud you, my good man! :thumb: So many of your ilk are morons.



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
golgiaparatus said:
WTF is the point of that. Its gross, ruins your gums, I dont understand that crap one bit. Looks totally nasty, repulses chicks, doesnt get you high, WTF. People that use it are Darwin candidates.
but redman tastes good. :D

I tried it in high school a few times & it was alright but it made me puke.... literally. skoal & the stuff in cans is horrible. I tried it twice & as soon as I out the stuff in my lip everything started spinning, fast, & i ended up being nauseas as hell & spewing everywhere. never again. :dead: I think i had some major nicotine poisoning going on. :dead: :dead: :dead:


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
Bah, smoking. Tried it, and will imbibe in the occasional smoke while drinking.

I dip like it's cool though. Copenhagen Black and Long Cut do it for me. Nothing better than spending a few days in the field where smoking is prohibited. Watch all the smokers suffer while I have a huge dip packed, lying down in my fighting hole. Glorious...


Feb 8, 2005
i dont get why people think marijuana is so bad, its not anywhere near as unhealthy as everyone tells you it is


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
did hardcore my senior year (last year) and this summer and first semester. got my **** together and only do it when im drunk. have always been able to keep the same pace/heatbeat/workout before during and after. funny i chewed since i was a freshman in hs and right before junior year my girlfreind of the time hated it so i started smoking cigs with all my buddies. bad mistake.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Damn True said:
How much do you smoke?
I think that is the key to a lot of things. we tend to think of pot smokers as people that smoke all the time and work at the used record store. but the fact is, lots of people smoke weed and hold good jobs. they just don't do it everday.

I think the people that use some sort of drug, legal or illegal, outnumber those that don't. it seems like EVERYBODY has some vice. even high profile TV anchors......

as for your insurance rates going up, keep on complaining.... nothing is going to change there. :nuts:

oh yea, and it's healthy to be fat. :D :oink: