
SMU prof guilty of aggravated assault (she intentionally struck a bicyclist with car)

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus

A Dallas jury today sentenced Jane Dolkart to five years of probation and two years of community service.

SMU prof guilty of aggravated assault
Dallas: Jury agrees she hit cyclist deliberately; sentencing is today
By ROBERT THARP / The Dallas Morning News

A Southern Methodist University law professor was convicted of aggravated assault Monday after jurors in her trial agreed that she used her car as a deadly weapon and intentionally struck a bicyclist riding at White Rock Lake last May.

Jane Dolkart bowed her head and sobbed after the verdict was read, and bailiffs began taking her fingerprints. She was allowed to post a $2,500 bond until the jury decides her punishment today.

The tenured labor and employment law professor faces probation to 20 years in prison for the second-degree felony charge.

Witnesses said Ms. Dolkart was visibly upset and honking the horn of her Volkswagen Passat as she followed cyclist Tommy Thomas and a friend along West Lawther Drive near Mockingbird Lane in Lakewood.

Mr. Thomas testified that he feared for his life when Ms. Dolkart's car struck the rear of his bicycle and dragged him under the car several feet. He suffered bruises and abrasions to his left forearm and a sore shoulder.

A police officer who investigated the incident testified that Ms. Dolkart acknowledged "tapping" Mr. Thomas' bicycle because he was blocking her way as she drove to meet friends to ride her own bicycle at the lake about 10 a.m. on a Sunday. During the trial, Ms. Dolkart denied making that statement.

Testifying in her defense, Ms. Dolkart said that she did not intend to hit the bike but that Mr. Thomas slowed suddenly as he pedaled in front of her. In closing arguments, attorney Mike Gibson said the incident was nothing more than an accident and disputed the argument that Ms. Dolkart's car was a deadly weapon. He said the victim's account of the collision was "exaggerated and full of mistakes."

"If distracted driving was a crime, we'd have to build five courthouses because people do it every day," he said.

Prosecutor Danny Oliphant said witness accounts and physical evidence from the accident proved that Ms. Dolkart's driving was deliberate.

"It wasn't just an accident. It wasn't just a mistake. This was an intentional act," he said.


SkaredShtles said:
What a skank. Going to ride her bike and she runs one over.

WTF is wrong with people? :mad:
You're smart enough to not have to ask that.


Mar 14, 2005
it amazes me how stupid ppl really are. all it takes is a little common courtesy. someone the other day screamed from there car (while they were stuck in traffic anyway) "why dont you get the f*ck off the road." I caught him at the light and tried to explain that I have every right of being there just like he did. Then i told him don't get angry with me because your stuck in traffic you miserable f*ck.
once he got free fromt he traffic I could hear him rapidly approaching tords me and riding right behind me, admittingly scaring me a little. I piulled over quickly and i wish he would have stopped, so I could have laid him out. got back on the bike and went home. but like a typical a$$hole he kept going, wuss

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
sanjuro said:
I would like to "tap" on her head...
I actually had this argument with some old dude at my family reunion a couple of years ago. I almost broke his old ass. i told him it was impossible to to 'tap' somebody with a 3500lb leathel weapon. It's assult no matter how you look at it. still pisses me off to this day.

anyhoo as quoted from one of the 90’s most prolithic poet’s, Tupac:
“you gotta take the evil out the people they be ackin right…”

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus

A Dallas jury today sentenced Jane Dolkart to five years of probation and two years of community service.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Professor Dolkart,

I am writing because I have a question concerning employment law when a person has been convicted of a felony.

Can an employer legally deny employment to an individual based solely on the felony record of a potential candidate?
Can an employer legally terminate an employee if the are convicted of a felony while not on "company business"?

The reason I am asking is that I am curious as to wether SMU will continue to employ you after your conviction for aggravated assault, and if your future employability will be affected by this conviction. Im also wondering if the BAR Association will terminate your membership.

Sincere thanks,
True Tourtillott
San Jose, CA

Carbon Fetish

May 6, 2002
Irvine, CA
I Are Baboon said:
Stosh would hit it.
I don't think she swings that way ;)

Dolkart, Jane L.
Associate Professor of Law
Books and Supplements:
Primary Articles:

Chapter on Law for the GAY AND LESBIAN ALMANAC, St. James Press, 1998.