
snoring help needed


Aug 14, 2002
well, the fiancee is about to dump my arse out the front door due to this. anyone got any easy and cheap methods to keep yourself from snoring?

any help would be appreciated. my arm is sore form being hit many times last night :D


Aug 14, 2002
dh girlie said:
Have a sleep study done. you could have sleep apnea.
thought about that. then again, snoring does run in the family. my dad actually just had his deviated septum and some other stuff done...so far its only made his snoring worse, but the scar tissue is supposed to go away.

anyone know if those nose strip thingys work?


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
1. Breath right stips - HUGE difference!!! You'll actually feel better in the morning - better rested etc. I have apnea(sp?) and used to scare the crap out of the wife (when we were just dating). I would wake her up b/c I would stop breathing and then gasp for air.
2. What dh girlie said


Turbo Monkey
I spoke to my dentist about this. He had his uvula removed (that dangley thing in the back of your throat). He's saying his deal is related to a lazy uvula which cut off his air way when he slept. A sleep study will reveal this and may be covered by your insurance. I need to have one done too and maybe mine removed as well.


Aug 14, 2002
Slugman said:
1. Breath right stips - HUGE difference!!! You'll actually feel better in the morning - better rested etc. I have apnea(sp?) and used to scare the crap out of the wife (when we were just dating). I would wake her up b/c I would stop breathing and then gasp for air.
2. What dh girlie said
thanks for the info on these- will try some tonight....as well as get her some earplugs. :rolleyes:

Pau11y said:
I spoke to my dentist about this. He had his uvula removed (that dangley thing in the back of your throat). He's saying his deal is related to a lazy uvula which cut off his air way when he slept. A sleep study will reveal this and may be covered by your insurance. I need to have one done too and maybe mine removed as well.
not insured right now, so the less cost, the better!

dh girlie

Pau11y said:
I spoke to my dentist about this. He had his uvula removed (that dangley thing in the back of your throat). He's saying his deal is related to a lazy uvula which cut off his air way when he slept. A sleep study will reveal this and may be covered by your insurance. I need to have one done too and maybe mine removed as well.
Wow...I never knew that thingy had an actual name. But if you have that removed...how will you get that inflection when you sing?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
slowSSer said:
well, the fiancee is about to dump my arse out the front door due to this. anyone got any easy and cheap methods to keep yourself from snoring?

any help would be appreciated. my arm is sore form being hit many times last night :D
There are some pills from Trader Joe's you can take...Stop Snore or Snore Stop....black and white box. You take one about 30 minutes before you go to bad and another right before. They really work!


Aug 14, 2002
Snacks said:
There are some pills from Trader Joe's you can take...Stop Snore or Snore Stop....black and white box. You take one about 30 minutes before you go to bad and another right before. They really work!

something else to try! thanks. RM- a wealth of knowledge!

can snoring be alcohol related?


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
slowSSer said:
can snoring be alcohol related?

Also alcohol affects your sleep paterns - so when you wake up your not as rested.

Of course a lot of it is volume... a drink or two a couple hours before bedtime is OK. The more you drink and the closer to bedtime you're increasing the affects.


Turbo Monkey
dh girlie said:
Wow...I never knew that thingy had an actual name. But if you have that removed...how will you get that inflection when you sing?
That wavy sound from singing is from the movement of the muscles in the throat, not the uvula. Singers use their diaphragm to control the sound output (volume), and not the vocal chords. The muscles in the throat controls the vocal chords for the notes you’re trying to hit. The uvula moves when you do that as a result of the muscle movement. The first thing a trained vocalist will learn is how to control the volume using their abs/diaphragm and not their vocal chords.

SlowSS, you might also want to try stuff like Affrin nasal spray. When I had a cold, I used that and it cleared up my passages. It also did something else that (I think) stopped my snoring. Give it a try. The stuff I used had the severe congestion label.


Jun 20, 2004
standing at the edge of reason
Pau11y said:
SlowSS, you might also want to try stuff like Affrin nasal spray. When I had a cold, I used that and it cleared up my passages. It also did something else that (I think) stopped my snoring. Give it a try. The stuff I used had the severe congestion label.

be careful with afrin though - it can be addictive and make the problem worse.

my dad had sleep apnea - got the surgery - has no uvula - me and biggins were always getting asked by our friends how in the hell we could sleep in that house.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Pau11y said:
SlowSS, you might also want to try stuff like Affrin nasal spray. When I had a cold, I used that and it cleared up my passages. It also did something else that (I think) stopped my snoring. Give it a try. The stuff I used had the severe congestion label.
That stuff is EXTREMELY addictive. I got hooked and it took me like a month of diluting it with water to get my nasal passages to work properly without it.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
iresmoke1 said:
Damn. I don't snore (thank God) but I grind my teeth at night.
My baby will wake me up b/c it is so loud.
Glad I don't remember.
I'm in the same boat. I wake up and my whole face is sore. Sucks.


Aug 14, 2002
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
That stuff is EXTREMELY addictive. I got hooked and it took me like a month of diluting it with water to get my nasal passages to work properly without it.
note to self- stay away!
will try nose strips and no-snore from trade-your-crows.

thanks for all the input.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
iresmoke1 said:
Damn. I don't snore (thank God) but I grind my teeth at night.
My baby will wake me up b/c it is so loud.
Glad I don't remember.
My wife broke a tooth because she grinds her teeth so hard...


Turbo Monkey
SkaredShtles said:
WTF? That'd be like getting your schwantz removed........ :eek: :think:

How so? It's not like I jack that dangley thing off to bust a nut.

Edit: Wait let me clarify that - the dangley thing in my throat. Hum... that still doesn't sound quite right, but you know what I mean.


Aug 14, 2002
surfinguru said:
Perfect timing for this thread. I've recently started dating this girl and holy crap does she snore! First time I've ever been with a woman that does. :think: I'm heading to the store to get some ear plugs for me and some of those breath-right strips! (Now if I can just get her to wear them.)
tell her that it will make "heavy breathing" easier during your "extracirricular actuvities" :sneaky::cool:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Pau11y said:
How so? It's not like I jack that dangley thing off to bust a nut.

Edit: Wait let me clarify that - the dangley thing in my throat. Hum... that still doesn't sound quite right, but you know what I mean.
Bwaaaaaahahahahhaha! I made you say "dangley thing in my throat" ;)

I don't let dangley things in *my* throat. :eek:
