
Snow tires


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
What tires are you all running in the snow, or does anybody ride in the snow?

I've had two experiences so far, one where I should have been using one tire, and the other where I should have been using the opposite. I had 1.9" Semi slicks (duh bad choice) in hardpacked, and then a nokian 2.6 gazzi in some slush. Should have been the other way around, but I didn't expect either condition. I have some bigger tires (2.5 wtb, 2.2 trailbeer) but I'm curious what people are using to get around.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
I just got a set of Schwalbe ice spiker pros. light but has 361 studs, I have been to sick to trail ride with them so far this year though.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
For icy rides - Kenda Klondike. Sq-Earl studded his own tires...I think they were Geax 2.25's

For just snow, I have found that wider is better so I just run whatever wide tires will fit (usually from my DH bike)
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3 Dude Approved
Your trailbears should work fine I loved those for light riding great grip and lug pattern. SHould work great for soft,pack.

Muddy marys or dirty dans, snows melted but we are planning to go play way up North in the next little bit.
I rode Muddy Marys at the bike park and did drops, berms, etc and they hooked up GREAT! So Im hoping the dirty dans will be even better with there big ol spikes.
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Turbo Monkey
Jul 5, 2001
North Van
For snow? Fischer racing skate and racing Vasa Crown. For riding lifts I have a bunch of G3 skis and Head skis,.. oh wait for a bike!

If it's deep and soft, forget it. You dig in and stop. Every few years I push my bike uphill and do the same down because I forgot how soft snow that is over 30 -40 cm is impossible to ride if you sink in.

Soft I would treat like mud with a narrow deep lugged tire. Not so deep or kinda firm you want as fat as will fit for floatation. Hard and packed is almost like hardpack diirt. If it gets icy you need metal spikes or studs.